chapter 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩.

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please be a real one like @-gollum and comment 🙏🙏🙏 i promise it will make the story more entertaining for everyone!!

the feeling of max's gentle kisses woke camila from her slumber.

after last night, camila and max both agreed to relax, as camila felt too exhausted from the tears she shed to do anything else.

so, wrapped up in each others arms, they attempted to watch a movie, camila falling asleep in max's arms in mere seconds as he longingly stared at the girl in his arms.

and max enjoyed every minute, staring at the beautiful girl.

slowly beginning to wake up, as today was race day, camila stretched and groaned, yawning as she smiled at the feeling of max's hands on her skin.

"morning" she mumbled

"morning" max grinned, pulling camila's messy bed hair out of her face.

today was race day.

with camila starting from pole, she was feeling confident, ready to take a win and move herself up first in the championship standings.

camila was also ready for summer break to begin, excited to relax after an already eventful first half of the season.

and max was also ready for summer break, as he remembered that his and camila's apartments in monaco were below one another's.

max knew where he'd plan to spend most of his break.

as the pair got ready, distractedly, and as they walked out of their hotel room, camila was expecting for her and max to distance themselves from one another. however, max came up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, smothering her cheek with kisses.

laughter began to escape camila's lips, and max grinned at her brightly, overjoyed he was able to make her laugh.

"max, shhh" she spoke in between quiet giggles, as she playfully pushed him away.

but of course as soon as the pair entered the elevator, expecting to share the space with just themselves, their laughter soon retuned, and max held camila's warm hands as she dragged him into the confined space.

to find charles leclerc's eyes darting up from his phone.

quickly attempting to conceal their laughter, max's hand quickly left hers, as they both broke the space between them.

but charles had already seen their hands intertwined and the laughter they shared just mere seconds before.

was camila fucking serious? charles thought to himself; max was not good for her, it was practically in their blood that they were supposed to hate one another.

charles had warned camila about max ,and camila had sobbed to charles about max.

so had camila ignored his warnings? his jaw clenched at the thought of the girl wrapped in the embrace of max fucking verstappen.

charles considered himself and max friends, and same with camila. he was purely just looking out for the both of them.

"hi charles" camila casually smiled at the monegasque, pretending as though she wasn't wrapping her fingers around max's mere seconds ago.

but if max wanted to test charles, he would do the same.

so, at the sound of camila's greeting, charles wrapped camila in a warm embrace, his hand lingering far too low on her back for max's liking.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now