chapter ten.

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max was miserable, and when he awoke to the cold feeling of being by himself, he swore he was almost depressed.

max already felt like he had to remember camila's touch for longer than he even knew it.

she was never going to speak to him again.

and when camila awoke, she found herself calling charles, venting to him about everything that had happened.

"why don't we hang out for the day then, i'm sure you'd want to get your mind off of things" charles spoke, in response to camila's miserable ranting about how hurt she felt by what max had done.

and when she mentioned her father walking in on her and max, screaming at the pair, charles almost felt guilty for being the one to tell hugo what was going on. if it weren't for charles, hugo would had never gotten a flight from new york to go and catch his daughter lying to him.

but all those thoughts were quickly wiped away when camila agreed to spend the day with him, charles smiling as the thought of her being back around him, instead of max.

so, camila managed to pull herself out of bed, changing into her bikini and putting some clothing on over it, as she was going to be spending the day on charles yacht.

meanwhile, max was already out of bed, and was making his way to daniel's apartment, where the two would meet up before going on a walk together. max needed to clear his head. desperately.

so, at the sound of camila's phone chiming, she knew that charles would be waiting downstairs for her, meanwhile, max decided to make his way downstairs too, as he was to drive to daniel's apartment before their walk.

max, waiting in the silence of the elevator, had time to gather his thoughts, and all he could think about was camila and his hidden moments before race weekends, were all they could do was kiss and hold one another passionately, before quickly pulling apart and acting like strangers.

but now, as max heard the chime of the elevator and saw her walking through the sliding doors, they really were strangers, camila's eyes quickly darting to her phone as she paid no mind to the man standing a mere few steps away from her.

max never really got scared. but being in the space of the elevator with camila standing next to him had max praying that he wasn't as forgetful as her silence made him feel.

and as the doors chimed again, the pair both walked away, max glancing at camila but being met with absolutely nothing. she was really just a stranger now. she didn't know him anymore.

as camila walked out of the apartment building, the first car to catch her eye was coincidentally the same one she was about to step into.

quickly taking a breath and pasting on a smile, camila made her way to charles ferrari. as she reached her hand to open the door, charles was leaning across the seat to do it for her, smiling charmingly at the girl.

"hey cami, you alright?" charles smiled as camila sat down, buckling her seatbelt as she turned to face him.

lying, camila responded; "hi charles, i'm okay, and you?" but in actuality; camila felt frustrated, with her mind and thoughts, they were so consumed.

as charles put his luxurious car into drive, not before stealing a quick grin and glance at camila seated next to him, he began to speak once again.

"you look pretty today" he complimented, camila finding herself smiling and almost blushing as she thanked charles.

making conversation, camila began to speak as she watched charles near the yacht club; "so, who's going to be here today?" she questioned, receiving a grin from charles before he answered. "just me and you, i didn't think you'd want to be meeting all new people and whatnot" charles lied, because really he just wanted to spend the day with camila, and camila only.

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