chapter forty-six.

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max was on a high.

one he was almost certain he'd never come down from.

because he was waking up beside the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. every single day.

they were definitely in the honeymoon stage, but so far, they were certain it probably wasn't even going to be just a 'stage' of lust and love.

this was going to last forever. they wanted this to last forever.

camila's apartment was basically non existent to her now, she'd just spend all her days with max. it was exactly how she wanted it to be.

when they had gotten home from their date, max couldn't stop calling camila his girlfriend, when they got to bed that night, he didn't go to sleep until he'd said goodnight to his girlfriend, when they woke up, he made sure to say good morning to his girlfriend.

when he'd told daniel and lando about the new title, they freaked out.

and to make everything even more sweeter, it was the dutch grand prix this week, and max's family would finally all be here to watch.

his mother had been pestering him for months and months about camila, constantly messaging him that she 'knew her boys eyes' and that almost every photo or clip she'd seen of the pair had 'told her things words couldn't say.'

and well, a mother's intuition was always right.

so when max broke the news to his mother this week that he and camila were official, she'd cheered in celebration for her son, continuing to say 'i told you so!' after she had constantly ignored her sons protests over the past year or two that there was nothing going on between them. she always knew he'd had feelings for the girl, hell, she'd realised it before either of them had, and it felt so satisfying to finally prove herself and her son right.

max was most definitely going to be introducing camila to his family this week, and his palms were already sweating in nervousness at that thought.

max's mother and siblings would love camila, in fact, they already did, so there was no doubt about that of course. but yet, he was still so nervous to even ask camila about meeting them properly.

they had both arrived at the track, camila a little later though, as she had to meet with christian and discuss the whole paul situation, which basically consisted of christian profusely apologising for half an hour, and ensuring that the engineers had been hard at work over the weeks break and making sure everything was under control.

adrian newey had now replaced paul monaghan, after christian and the team as a whole decided he was a much better candidate for the position. camila just had to pray the team was making the right decision in their choice, and that the car would be much better from now on.

as for the media, they were relentless, as both max and camila wanted to rip their hair out if they'd recieved another question about jos, paul, the car, or their relationship.

and frankly, it was none of their business.

"max, do you think the news about your fathers involvement with camila's car setup has damaged your relationship with her?"

max fought the urge to laugh at this question. god, if only the media knew, they'd have a field day.

so far, the story that was being orchestrated amongst the media was that red bull was facing a complete downfall, and that max and camila were definitely going to return to being rivals. they were practically begging for them to say that things were awkward, or anything of the sort. but they'd refused to acknowledge it. the most either had given to the media on the matter was cheeky glances in each others directions. they could leave the rest up to their imaginations.

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