chapter nine.

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summer break was officially beginning.

and the sun shining through the hotel window, illuminating camilas golden skin managed to wake her and max up.

camila sighed contently as on instinct, her hands went to stoke max's lips, her fingers etching the freckle that laid just above them as she longingly gazed at the man in front of her.

max smiled at this, and leant in to place a soft kiss on camila lips, the pair smiling into the kiss.

max now groaned as he rolled over, tangling camila in his arms as he rolled her over with him, tightly grasping his hands across her body.

"you know..." max began, smirking as he kissed her jaw, "...we could just stay here all day if we wanted to" he spoke, and he had this fantasy for quite some time now, washing away any thoughts of the day and just laying with his only thought, camila rivera, in his arms. all day. it was perfect.

camila laughed at max's comment; "as much as i would love to be here with you all day, we both have flights to catch to monaco" she reasoned, smiling.

max rolled his eyes as he groaned; "fuck that" he protested, sending camila into a fit of laughter as he smiled at the sight of seeing her like this. laughing, because of him.

"i'll start begging soon, mila."

and as camila's cheeks grew red, she responded, "you know, i'd love to see you beg, all for me"

max smirked at her response; "oh yeah?"

"yeah" she teased him now, as she began to pull herself up out of max's arms, but max practically tackled the girl back into bed with him as they both began to laugh.

after another long amount of time to get ready, max and camila were both out the door, into the elevator and now about to head to their cars to get on a plane, without each other.

and as they both opened their car doors, max spoke first; "i'll see you soon mila" he smiled, as camila smiled back; "see you soon max" she grinned.

after driving to the airport, camila had made her way onto the plane. fortunately, she was flying privately, so she had time to get completely comfortable.

as the plane took off, camila found herself falling asleep before the sound of her phone chiming stopped her from doing so. she hadn't checked it at all today, so she quickly laid her eyes upon the screen, a vast series of notifications displayed, however one stood out to her.

+1 messages: charles leclerc

raising her eyebrows, camila swiped open her phone as she clicked on charles' message.


charles leclerc

charles leclerc
Can we talk?

Camila Rivera
sure, what's wrong?

charles leclerc
You haven't been on Instagram or Twitter yet?


instantly, camila opened instagram, as she was met with a video; her eyes quickly scanning over the caption.

@f1drama: Max Verstappen in a heated exchange with Charles Leclerc! Who's side are you on? 👀

and as camila watched the video intently, her heart dropped. max looked fuming, almost terrifying as the video showed charles saying something to max before he had pushed charles violently, max pointing to charles and aggressively shouting something at him before storming away.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now