chapter forty-five.

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by the time max had finally arrived in monaco, it was well past 12am, but his mission was still yet completed.

his palms broke out into a sweat, as he nervously took the next floor up of the apartment building, after quickly throwing his bags on the floor of his own.

camila would probably be asleep, but nothing could stop max at this point, his heart took him to her front door, not his head.

he softly knocked, and for a split second, max could hear rustling on the opposite side of the door. he knocked again.

"mila?" max nervously called the girls name, "please open the door" he pleaded, as again, the rustling on the opposite side of the door continued, max swearing he could hear a soft cry as well.

there was a silence, camila wasn't going to open it.

max pressed his hand to the door, leaning his forehead against it. "camila, please... i promise you everything is going to be okay, i just need you to open the door" max soothed, as he could hear the girls deep breaths from the opposite side of the door once again.

with a click, max took a small step back, and the door finally began to open, his heart skipping a beat amongst the fear and anticipation of it all.

the sight in front of him was painful. camila had puffy eyes and wet cheeks from crying, dark circles too, and she was wearing one of max's hoodies.

she looked heartbroken.

max's gaze softened, as he stepped closer to place a hand on camila's arm, and surprisingly, she accepted his touch.

but she didn't just accept it, she completely melted, as she took a step forward to bury her head in max's chest, and tears began to stream down her cheeks. he'd hurt her, but camila still sought comfort in him.

max held her tight in his arms, his hand running through her hair and the other squeezing her back. he moved them to sit on the couch, and for a few minutes, he just let her cry.

she didn't deserve this. camila didn't deserve any of what happened to her, and max was going to make it his life's mission to make sure she never shed another tear of sadness again, especially if it was because of him.

"it's okay mila... you don't have to worry about anything, okay? i've fixed it all" max comforted, as camila's tears began to settle, and she gave him a confused look.

she began wiping her tears, max helping her, his soft hands caressing her cheeks as she sniffled.

"what do you mean?" she asked, bruna had only told her not to say anything about her discovery to anyone, but that was it.

"camila, the first thing i wanted to do when i found out what my dad was doing was stop him. i wanted to tell christian, i wanted to tell you, i wanted to make it all better — but i couldn't." max confessed, as camila shuffled away from him slowly.

"then why didn't you?" she asked, and max could hear the hurt and betrayal in her voice.

here goes nothing.

"do you remember that afterparty, in monza?" max asked, whilst camila nodded slowly, her expression faltering at the memory. of course she'd remembered — that night had ruined her friendship with lewis, it ruined her relationship with mercedes, it ruined everything.

"well these guys, the owner and security of the club, they got footage of us camila" max breathed out.

"they're sick men, and my dad bought the footage off them, he's been using it to blackmail me. he said if i told anyone about the whole engineering situation he'd release it. i couldn't do that to you, i couldn't have people see you like that. the thought of what someone might do with that footage of you is fucking terrifying." max admitted, whilst his chest ached in anticipation for camila's reaction. and when she did react, max felt his heart break.

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