chapter thirty.

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today was the day.

camila was flying to milton keynes, from monaco, because christian wanted to talk.

about what, camila was struggling to figure out. but it left a pit in her stomach, her mind constantly battled with what was going to happen in that meeting with christian. what could he possibly need from her to ask that she'd fly all the way out to their headquarters?

when camila had finished the call with christian, she'd immediately called lewis and sofia — she desperately needed advice, and the both of them had been nothing but supportive.

lewis still felt an ache in his chest though. because although camila hadn't gotten a sure idea of what was going to happen — lewis was almost certain he knew what christian wanted.

almost every team had their eyes on camila since the day she'd set foot in the paddock — red bull especially being one of those recently. so really, now that camila no longer had a seat, it was no surprise that they would want her.

and although he'd struggle, lewis knew he'd have to accept that. he wanted camila to be happy, and if that wasn't at mercedes anymore, then so be it.

once camila landed in milton keynes, she found herself navigating her way to the headquarters, her anxiety starting to peak as the reality was drawing closer and closer.

once camila arrived at the headquarters, getting out of the car, she suddenly felt her steps were getting slower and slower at the realisation of something.

max could be here.

was camila even ready to face him? would he speak to her? and if he did, what would camila say? did max even want to see her face again? camila was certain he wouldn't.

sucking in a deep breath, camila entered the lobby and much to her surprise, she was already met with christian, who was stood eagerly waiting for her arrival.

a warm expression made its way to christian's face; "camila, thanks for coming" he smiled, almost unable to hide his excitement.

"hi christian, how are you?" camila smiled, as she shook his hand; a formal greeting.

"i'm well thank you, would you mind following me upstairs?" he asked, to which camila quickly responded with a 'no worries' as the pair made their way upstairs to his office.

finally making their way upstairs, christian opened the door of his office, a large table with his seat behind, whilst in front, instead of being one seat, there were two.

and the person occupying that second seat made camila's heart sink.

staring back at her, with eyes cold as ever, was max. and by the look on his face, he was almost unrecognisable. his eyes that camila once thought she'd known so well became so different, his stare said things camila thought she'd never hear.

swallowing thickly, camila took the seat next to max, whilst christian sat across the desk in front of them.

he paused slightly, as his eyes switched from max to camila constantly, a look of hesitance across his face. he sighed deeply, before rummaging through the papers on his desk, clearing his throat.

the air felt thick, the tension heavy in the air. before finally, christian spoke.

"camila... there's no denying last year was challenging — for everyone. but i'm sure none of us can deny the sheer talent you've continued to show the world, you'd be crazy not to notice it" christian began, while camila's palms began to sweat — where was he going with this?

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