chapter nineteen.

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it had been a week.

a week, and camila's anger hadn't subsided one bit. she was beginning to grow frustrated with everyone around her. but camila had a list of the top three contenders; mercedes, her dad and max. just the thought of any of the three made her want to rip her hair out.

and when camila spoke to the team before qualifying, her anger only grew even stronger when they all tried to apologise for their shitty pitstops. yes, camila thought that maybe they didn't mean it the first time, but when their mistakes and disregard towards her grew more and more consistent, she was positive that it was intentional.

"camila, can i see you in my office please?" toto asked, camila turning to face him, nodding her head.

now sat in his office, camila found herself clenching her fists, her leg bouncing up and down, trying to conceal her emotions. if this conversation was going to be about the exact thing she imagined, she was going to snap.

"myself and the team just wanted to once again apologise for —"

camila's laughter began to cut toto's apology short.

" — no, you don't. you knew what you were doing; not letting me out of the pit lane during qualifying, giving me zero feedback during the debriefs and during the race, the shitty pitstops, me being forced to abort the fastest lap.... you guys didn't even bother making sure i was safe in the car" camila spoke angrily, scoffing as she began to reminisce on the events.

"you're not sorry, you're just sorry that you didn't get away with it. and i hope you know that i'm never going to let you do it again — i'm never second place. i know it, lewis knows it, the team knows it" camila pressed, her sudden attitude catching toto off guard.

he had expected camila to politely smile and nod, profusely telling him that it was okay — that all was forgiven.

sighing, toto ran his hands over his face, "we're not making you second place camila. you know the value you hold in this team, but the better option — the safer option, is to let lewis be our priority, if he wins the championship you'll still have a seat next year. sometimes these sacrifices need to be made" he reasoned, his voice cold and stern.

to this, camila rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief at how stupid his statement was.

"no thanks" she shrugged, getting up from her seat and walking out the door, leaving a frustrated toto still sat at his desk.

camila still wanted the championship, and if toto thought that he could somehow convince her to give that up, then he had absolutely lost his mind.

now qualifying, and camila had already eased through q1 and 2 effortlessly, but the real issue she was yet to face was q3.

after completing her flying lap, camila was almost certain that the lap she just produced would be fast enough to secure herself pole position. the car felt amazing, and camila felt as though she was in the perfect headspace this weekend.

and as camila was on her in lap, james' voice could be heard through her radio.

"that's pole position camila, well done"

camila let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. she needed a win this weekend, she needed to prove herself.

getting out of the car, camila cheered as she ran to lewis, not the team, just him.

lewis was starting in p2, followed by max in p3 and lando and daniel taking up 4th and 5th position.

camila had the looming feeling that this race weekend was going to be one to remember.

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