chapter forty-one.

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camila's head felt dizzy, as she and max creeped up the stairs leading to where their rooms were. the party had worn on deep into the night, but camila's birthday celebrations had now come to a near end. the house was quiet now, as everyone settled in bed.

but in true max verstappen fashion, he still had one more gift wrapped up his sleeve.

he placed hot kisses across camila's neck, as she dragged a stumbling max and herself into his bedroom.

she grinned into the kiss, as did max as he walked mindlessly towards the bedroom door to keep her lips on his.

his consciousness dawned upon him, overpowering his drunk and sexual thoughts.

"wait wait wait!' max laughed, halting camila from entering his room.

"we don't want any noise complaints in the morning do we?" he smirked, remembering what daniel had warned him when they'd first arrived.

camila couldn't care less at this point though, she was so needy. she couldn't bear another second without max's hands on hers. she pulled his face into hers, their lips meeting in an aggressive battle for dominance.

max pinned her to the door, matching camila's aggressiveness.

a deep moan escaped from max's lips, as camila bit and sucked his skin, with a newfound aggression and confidence max had never seen from her before, usually he was the one in control, but tonight felt different.

max was usually the one like this, aggressively having complete control over camila, whilst she'd attempt to tease him to feel any sense of power.

but the tables had suddenly turned tonight, and max wouldn't let camila think she had the upper hand.

before she could place another hot kiss to his swollen lips, max dodged her attempt in doing so, pushing camila's back into the wall.

"max..." camila whined, frustrated at his actions, she teased him, this was not how it worked.

max smirked, watching how needy camila was for more. "what's wrong? don't like a taste of your own medicine?" he teased, as camila clenched her jaw in frustration.

they were still pinned to the outside of max's bedroom door, which was a risk in itself. so, max pulled camila from against the door, hoisting her up around his waist by her thighs and taking a few steps to barge inside camila's bedroom instead.

the elevation soon changed as max threw camila onto the bed, crawling over her body and trailing his arms up her shirt.

camila grabbed max by the shirt, fisting the fabric in her hands as she pulled him close to her body for the friction she needed, as she felt his heat press against hers.

"tell me what you want mila" max breathed out, as he tugged her hair, allowing his lips to explore hers.

still attempting to appear much more dominant, camila refused to answer max's question, as she continued to kiss his lips, tugging his bottom lip with her teeth, feeling a metal taste as a cut formed on his swollen lip.

still receiving no answer, max pinned camila's arms above her head, stopping her arms from exploring his body.

"don't be so fucking stubborn" he groaned, pushing his hips to create a pained friction between their lower bodies, whilst his other hand gave her hair an aggressive tug.

at the action, camila immediately let out a loud moan at the feeling of his heat rubbing against hers.

in a swift and sudden movement, she pushed his chest away from hers, max now leaned back with his muscular arms to hold himself upright on the bed.

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