chapter 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚.

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after endless frustrations with his tie, max finally managed to get dressed in a dark navy suit, paired with his favourite watch. these galas had always been far too classy for max's liking, but it was red bull tradition, so he had to do it.

as max clenched the steering wheel, his thoughts pressed with the realisation that tonight he'd have to pretend with camila. all the big names would be there, all the people who invested their money in the team would be watching him and camila closely, debating whether what they were investing in was actually worth it.

because if the two of them made one wrong move, max was certain christian would become absolutely furious, forcing the two of them back into the same hotel rooms.

and if his dad found out again, max was almost positive he'd be a dead man.

so tonight, max would have to plaster a smile for the cameras and guests, further pushing the stupid narrative that he and camila actually got along.

he needed a drink if he was going to go through with this.

the charity gala was a dazzling spectacle as always, the attendees mingled and exchanged pleasantries. meanwhile, max immediately made his way towards the bar, ordering a gin and tonic.

a soft tune was playing from the pianist and violinist — a instrumental of 'love story' by indila filling the guests ears.

god this was horrible.

max buried his hands in his pockets, taking another long sip from his drink as his eyes scanned the venue.

mostly old businessmen with their wives were attending tonight, meanwhile christian was already mingling with the head directors of red bull, clearly he had already mastered the ability of sucking up to the sponsors.

continuing to trail his sights across the room, max's eyes soon locked on the back of a woman dressed in a navy dress, the low back exposing her tanned skin, her warm hair fanning across her back. max kept his focus on her, his eyes trailing down her body, patiently anticipating for her to turn around.

as the instrumental intensified, like a scene from a movie, the woman turned around. max's eyes instantly locked on hers, and his stare burned even deeper into them as he realised just exactly who he was looking at — camila.

instead of offering a scowl or quickly turning away, max continued to keep his intense stare piercing into camila's eyes. he found himself almost stunned — frozen in place. his tongue swiped across his lip, taking another long sip of his drink, still keeping his eyes fixed on camila.

he swept his gaze over her. long eyelashes, plump lips, warm eyes, golden skin.

he'd hated this woman, but god, she was so beautiful that max couldn't stand to look at her some days. because max didn't know what to do — make her scream his name or punish her for making him feel this way.

another man began to take camila's attention, as she turned to resume whatever conversation she'd just been engaged in before.

as the night wore on, max found himself still situated at the bar. he was at the point where the room began to grow hazy, his thoughts forming into a jumbled series of reckless instincts before soon, he was stumbling over to christian, who was conversing with some of the guests.

"ah, max, there you are," christian smiled. but soon, any amusement on his face was quickly wiped by the strong scent of alcohol coming from max.

"hello" max grinned, turning to shake hands with the man christian was stood with, then turning to his wife next to him, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek, earning a skeptical look from the woman and her husband, and an angry one from christian.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now