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the cold bathroom tiles sent chills through camila's skin.

that sinking feeling she hadn't felt in so long was starting to return.

she had grown to not remember what this feeling was like — panic, fear, it was all things that had been washed far away from her life.

the last time she'd been like this, a wreck on the bathroom floor, was years ago, certainly before she'd been married to max.

and on the subject of her husband — him not being sat on the floor next to her right now only added to camila's panic.

he was out with daniel, helping him organise his bachelor party that was coming up in a few weeks.

he'd be home soon, much to his reassurances over the phone not long ago. but if max was aware of the state his wife was in right now, he'd have left daniel's in a heartbeat.

camila attempted over and over again to try calm her panic, but her efforts proved as useless.

because each time her eyes checked the two lines on the pregnancy test, she was reminded that it wasn't a dream.

at the sound of the front door opening, camila let out a shaky breath, trying to wipe the tears that continued to burn her already wet cheeks.

"mila!" max's voice called out, as he walked through the hallway of their home, throwing away his keys and petting the cats.

his brows raised as he received no response. usually she'd come straight towards him when he'd arrive home, placing a warm kiss to her husbands lips whilst max would wrap her in his arms. it was his favourite part of his day, being able to unwind and relax with the woman he loved, crawling under the warm covers of their king size bed.

max was a paranoid man, especially now that he was a married one. he'd immediately go into protection mode if he sensed something was wrong.

so as he continued to receive no response from camila, his mind started going to any dreadful reality his mind could think of.

he pushed open the door of their master bedroom, and upon noticing a gap in their ensuite's door, a buzzing light creeping through, he wasted no time in charging through the doors to reach the space.

he felt his heart shatter at the sight in front of him, and he'd have noticed the pregnancy test on the floor next to camila, but he was too quick in pulling the girl into his lap to see it at that moment. his pure focus was on making sure his wife was okay.

"baby..." max cooed, brushing back camila's hair as he placed a delicate, lingering kiss to her forehead. "what's wrong? tell me."

camila let out a shaky sob, burying her head into max's shoulder, her tears wetting his t-shirt. as her breaths grew more panicked, max realised what was happening.

"shh, mila. i'm here love" max whispered comfortingly, wiping the tears that glistened against her soft cheeks.

he helped her follow his breathing, camila's tears then slowly begging to subside, the beating of her heart starting to match max's.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now