chapter forty-four.

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max was angry, no, fuming.

he was fucking fuming.

and all he could think about was getting on a flight to italy and finding those sick bastards that gave his father that footage.

he left the paddock without another word. max ignored any effort to communicate with people. all he could to was get in the car and speed off to the hotel and begin packing his bags.

he had a private jet, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. so if max wanted to leave, he'd leave.

he tapped his keycard against the hotel door, it sounding with a beep as he charged through his room, grabbing his bags and shoving everything inside of it.

he pulled his phone from his pocket whilst doing so, phoning lando, as the gears in his brain turned, his plan formulating at the second.

"hello?" lando spoke through the phone.

"do you have bruna's number?" max immediately asked, as lando mumbled a confused string of words.

"why do you need her number?" lando asked defensively, as max shut down any efforts of having a longer conversation than he needed to.

"it's an emergency, just send it to me, thanks."

and with that, max hung up the phone, zipping up his suitcase and grabbing his carry on bag as he left his hotel room with a slam of the door.

he walked through the halls, making his way towards the elevator as he checked the message from lando.

+1 New Contact: Bruna Santos

max immediately pressed on the shared contact, as he now stood in the elevator, rapidly typing out a message to the girl.

Meet me at the airport as soon as possible
Gate 8, you'll recognise my jet when you see it

Bruna Santos
who's this lol
if it's private i'll come tho
jk idk who u are

It's Max
It's an emergency please come

Bruna Santos changed 'Unknown' to 'cami's bitch'

Bruna Santos
oh didn't know u could see that lol
anyways i'll be there
liked by cami's bitch

within minutes, max was turning into the spa-la sauvenière airport, bags in hand as he quickly walked through the terminal.

with his pilot ready to take off, max waited expectantly for bruna to arrive.

a few minutes later, she came hurriedly running to meet max, her hair a mess as she was dressed in grey baggy sweatpants, and a papaya jersey.

as she came closer, max noticed it was mclaren merchandise, with lando's number on the back. he raised his brows in amusement.

"what?!" bruna huffed, as max smirked in amusement.

"is that yours?" he teased, as bruna's face turned a bright shade of pink, rolling her eyes as she trudged up the staircase.

"shut up" she mumbled, as max followed her up the steps.

after getting their carry on sorted, bruna sat opposite max, sighing in confusion.

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