chapter forty.

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author note: please comment and vote!! this is a long one and ur support means so much to me!

camila's birthday was in four days.

max knew this of course, because he'd been nervously counting down the days.

summer break meant one thing — the annual madrid trip, hosted by carlos sainz.

max had never gone before, but this year, camila was going, so of course, he was.

leading up to the trip, camila's recovery was growing easier and easier. she'd now been doing much harder exercises, despite max's skepticism, and she'd also played countless padel games with lando, daniel and max.

this summer break was turning out to be one of her best yet — despite the injuries, for once, camila felt as though she'd finally been able to distract herself from her worries.

it was odd, to finally feel this much weight lifted off her shoulders.

but that feeling could only last for so long.

for now though, camila wasn't going to take these happy moments soaking in the sun for granted.

carrying all of her bags for her, max began placing camila's luggage, followed by his own, into the back of her g-wagon. which yes, she should probably stop loving so much, considering she fucking despised everything about mercedes — except for lewis, she kind of supposed her first car could be the other exception to that rule.

"i'm driving!" camila called out, stealing her keys from max's hand, as he placed his final duffel bag into the back of the car.

camila quickly made her way to the drivers seat, as max called out a series of protests — he hated not being the one to drive her around, being a passenger princess bruised his ego, as much as he hated to admit it.

for the entire car ride to the airport, and the entire flight to madrid, the pair couldn't stop smiling, neither of them could ever remember being this excited for a trip.

but upon arrival, as max and camila parked at the front of the grand madrid holiday house amongst all the other luxurious vehicles, max couldn't help but groan out in frustration at the realisation that he and camila wouldn't be sharing rooms — that was the only negative of this trip.

his sulky expression didn't go unnoticed either. "wipe that look off your face" camila teased, holding max's chin in her hand, her fingertips feeling the stubble of his facial hair from not having shaved for a while. she couldn't deny it, she loved the feeling, and max loved her hands on him just as much.

max huffed out a breath, giving camila a playful eye-roll, before soon leaning in to place a kiss to her lips, catching camila off guard.

his lips stayed on hers for as long as they could, savouring the feeling of her, max knew he'd have to control himself around most of the drivers during this trip, considering they were still technically a secret.

"god knows when i'm going to get to do that again, with all these people around" max groaned, as camila pulled apart from the kiss with a laugh.

each carrying their own bags now, the pair both made their way to the front door of the house, and before even being able to knock on it, carlos had already come bursting through the large doors.

"hey guys!" carlos beamed, his voice loud and bright, having to raise it due to the loud noises and music coming from inside the house, clearly most of the guests had already arrived.

a beaming daniel peered from around the corner of one of the rooms, and upon seeing who was stood outside, his eyes lit up immediately, and he began running towards the front door.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now