When the bully was secretely in love with you

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Birthday shout out to Arbia!
I hope you had a lovely day with beautiful smiles and laughs. May the Almighty bless you with abundant happiness.

Kim Taehyung

I rushed through the corridors with fear gripping my heart in a vice grip. Trembles shatter in my veins and my eyes blare off my panic of losing the one girl who matters the most to me. 

One girl who got me crazy for her.

One girl whose childish habits I admired. Be it the way she devoured sweets and candies or the carefree smiles of being drenched in the rain. 

She was Arbia. 

The girl I bullied.

The girl who made me fall in love.

The girl who despised my presence. 

The girl who I longed to hug.

The girl whose heart I shattered into pieces.

The girl who held my heart in her palms. 

And now to save the one last chance I had with her, I ran with my heart in my palms to make up for all the hurt I caused her. The entire school was aware of the conflict between us. The traumatic hatred in her eyes yesterday as she walked past me to her car instilled a ticking bomb in my head, awaiting an explosion of my sanity if I couldn't find her today. 

My blurred vision cleared the fog of misery as I came face to face with the white door with a plain name board that read; Principal Kim  Hae Bok 

With trembles getting the best of me, I pressed the doorknob with shallow breaths and entered the room. Walking through the door sliced coldness into my bones. A dreadful silence resonated strongly in the air. 

I looked through the desolate room to find a trace of her but the large room with hanging photos and a collection of awards felt dead without her. 

"Yes," I turned around to find the principal scrutinising his gaze at my frightened figure with panic-riding nerves. He looked at me through his specs lying loosely around the top of his nose, his expression tired and irritated. 

"Min Arbia… she… my girl… the school…" he cut my nonsensical ramble with a snort." Are you talking about the girl you bullied?" I winced at his words and recoiled back physically to the wall. My gaze was distant and rapidly congesting with tears. 

"Sir…I…" Being ashamed like never before I stood bare of my walls guarding my true emotions from the world. The racing clock was ticking on my nerves waiting for a crumble.

"She left." My head shot up in his direction and I stared at him with my fresh tears stalking my eyes. His expression morphed into bemusement before a knowing smile dawned at the edge of his lips. He shook his head in disappointment before he walked away from me, leaving me in my pool of misery. 

I crumbled to my knees with loud wails ripping out of my throat. Punching the floor, I bellowed like a wounded animal. Raising on my feet I dashed to the cafeteria and hit the bastard who called Arbia names. Who mistreated her with false claims from me. Made her hate me and run away. 

"Kim Taehyung, you bully me because you need my attention, isn't it?" 

"Aww, the school bully is apologising for pushing my coffee?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" 

With the echoes of our past conversation, I brutally pounded on the boys who mistreated Arbia in my absence. 

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