Contract Marriage

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Happiest Birthday Bella! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Even a watermelon can be carved into a rose, Miley," Agnes, my mother-in-law commented on my look to my sister-in-law with her usual supercilious gaze and the latter woman did much to hide her displeasure.   

"Of course, mom. You invest so much in the process but it's still a watermelon pretending to be a rose." Miley taunted me while casually blowing on her polished blood-red nails putting the witches of the West in shame.

"It's still a mystery to me what your father and your brother saw in this orangutan and agreed on this wedding."

"But Mom, this orangutan is the sole heir of Liril Hotels. That's a lot of money."

"Yeah, but I still prefer Claire over her. Taehyung shouldn't have broken up with her in the first place." That broke my resolve not to address their mockery. I had my fair share of handling a shit ton of mockery and they were juvenile in their attempts. 

Putting someone down for their looks and money was really not my trait but not for the women of the Kim family. 

Since I belong to this clan, I'm not hurting my upbringing by giving them their shit to deal with. You don't get to mention my husband's ex at my anniversary party and go unhinged in your arrogance. 

"If your precious opinion mattered the most, Claire would have been your daughter-in-law, mother-in-law." She was turning red in the face and Miley looked at me like I was a dying ghost making threats to her.

Yeah, I never addressed any of their mockery or sarcasm ever. For six whole months, I never bothered to entertain them in any way. But today they pushed me past my threshold and they must be put in shape. 

"My husband made better choices. Choices that don't include bimbos and dumb chicks." Sweeping my hair to my right side, I tilted my neck up and started applying concealer to the pink marks on my neck. I wasn't a person who showcased her intimate life to the most annoying people in my life but I felt the need to jab at their humongous inflated egos at the displaying of the love marks of my husband. 

My mother-in-law carried her same expression of disgust, and the add-on was the heated furious look that I was least bothered with.

I don't even understand what gets their knickers into a twist when I look desirable enough for him to climb into bed with me every night. I let the marks do the talking and carried on covering them to perfection.

"You pathetic—-" I cut off Miley's outburst by interjecting in my calmest voice yet livid eyes, "I'm not sure whose luck was worse. Mine or your husband's. But I bet it's him in the long run because he gets to call you his wife. Such pathetic self-obsessed plastic." I emphasised on the word you like I spelt dirt. Giving her a stench look, I walked out of my room and entered the hallway to greet the guests. 

It was a winter evening in Seoul, and the most elite people of the city joined us to celebrate the night with me and my husband to congratulate us on our six-month anniversary.

Although Taehyung and I opposed the idea, my father-in-law was pretty adamant about celebrating this occasion for his son and daughter-in-law since there was no proper announcement ever made to the media or his business associates about the wedding.

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