Dark Romance

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Happiest birthday xoxobtsarmyxoxo

Amara Willow

You should never believe your naive heart when it says, "You know it all."

Or when it says, "Life is beautiful."

If not, it says, "You deserve happiness."


They were brutal lies.

Life never lets you know it all.

It gives you beautiful scars.

And it crushes the happiness you think you deserve. 

Life is the brutal truth you deny because of our weak hearts and minds.

Sipping my caramel latte in one hand, I typed the codes with the other in a fast muscle memory hacking into the cameras and checking through the records to erase away my footprints. When I was satisfied with the results, I packed my tech instruments and exited the park.

I walked down the street with the hood on, eyes dead and legs heavy. I took in the densely populated road with two kinds of people sharing their walking space with me. The first kind of crowd had company with them and a huge smile hanging on their face as they animatedly talked with their person(s) and walked towards their destination with known goals and responsibilities. The flourishing look of happiness painted brightly on their faces. Mind filled with memories and hearts swimming with laughter. In the early hours of sunset, the first kind of crowd was the most rather than the sparsely scattered other kind of crowd that included me.

And there were we, who trudged through a mindless pace and distant minds to our destination. Head crowded with thoughts of loneliness and commitments and hearts heavy with fear and what ifs. 

I belonged to the other side of the crowd until my parents died. A world full of sunshine smiles and heartfelt love. A side I always long to possess yet lost indefinitely. I always believed life was full of surprises. Surprises of that cherishable kind. 

Surprises whose memory made me smile.

Surprises that made me awe and coo.

Yet I received a surprise I never wanted to unwrap. A surprise that made me flee from my country away from him. A surprise that made me want to disappear. A surprise that I can never treasure. 

A surprise right after my parents' death. 

An accident.

An attack.

A camouflaged truth. 

Soon after their death, the life I had always lived, the life I had always known didn't seem to exist. They vanished into thin air like they never owned existence and pulled me into a void of darkness where I could neither walk nor crawl my way out. No amount of screams and tears could pull me out of the abyss I was sucked into.  

And life threw me into a circle where he belonged.

A circle filled with guns and knives, blood and cadavers, monsters and human-guise monsters. 

Six years back

"You need to eat, love." My boyfriend of 4 years urged me softly as I refused to move away from his embrace. I was cocooned on my bed with his sturdy arms holding me right to him. My small bed, a bit uncomfortable for him which he hardly minded, held me firm to him. His fingers raked through my brown locks in an unknown pattern.

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