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Happiest birthday to my sweetest girl varian_alisha   You are so full of sunshine and giggles. Thanks for making my days better with your presence.

Kim Taehyung







The ringing sound of the hallway bell broke me out of my reverie. I shook my head and channelled my thoughts into more sense. 

My heart was pounding so wild. Blood thrummed in my ears at an intensity it had never been before. My heartbeat soaring heights which left an abnormal statement in medical reports.

All because I was gobsmacked because of a woman who happened to be Jungkook's Teacher. A woman who was my past. A woman who I was looking at my present. A woman who I want to build my future. 

Nazia Lisha. 

 A woman who made my nights a nightmare. A memory that haunted my smiles. My eyes wavered to the woman who stood a few feet away dressed in professional black pants and a white blouse. Dark onyx hair, hazel eyes and a stunning smile as she talked with someone on her left.

"Hyung! Are you even listening to what I'm saying!"

"Hmm?" I was still in a trance of the beautiful woman discussing the annual reports with the other staff. Her voice is so soft like a melody resonating her energy in the air. The melody I yearned for all these years. 

"Don't tell me hyung. Please! Not Ms Nazia!" Jungkook grunted like a bull, his nose flaring in disbelief. 

Can she recognise me after all these years?

After the heartbreak I gave her, will she ever want to hear me out? Give me a chance to explain myself.

Fuck that! Will she even want to talk to me after everything I put her through? As the impossible course through my head mixing poison in my veins, I exploded.

"What the hell is wrong with you Kook?!" I snapped at him irately. The indefinite look of scrutiny from him made me hold myself. If it was anyone who should be at the receiving end of my anger it should be me. Only me.

"I mean, Kook, why not Ms Nazia?!" I sang at him only to earn an eye roll from him. I switch from hot to sweet in a millisecond because if it wasn't for this troublemaker I wouldn't be getting my chance to see the epitome of beauty this close. Zia was certainly someone I didn't want to miss after years of searching. I couldn't believe I was seeing her again. 

After my years of relentless search to find her, she was here in New York working as a teacher. 

"Stop staring at her like that. You are embarrassing me, hyung." Upon that statement, Nazia lifted her eyes and our eyes met. A spark of recognition burst in them before she masked all her emotions behind the coldness and walked to the office with her stiff muscles. All her energy coiled into stiffness when she landed her gaze on me. It lodged heaviness into my chest with her actions but I was a brutal bastard if I except a better treatment from a girl whose heart I shattered into pieces. 

"Am I that obvious Kook?" I asked him innocently, using my sheer will to drag my eyes back to his. When my head turned to that melody-like voice again, Jungkook took my jaw in his grip and said, "We are called in. And please don't embarrass me more than you already did." I nodded stiffly with my head stuffed in his hand. 

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