Angsty Love

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Happiest birthday Storyteller Dutch. I hope you enjoyed this.


Life has always been cryptic. Happiness camouflaged ironies. Priorities are set in the head hiding their values at heart. Their importance in your life.

I was a failure. 

A failed mom. A failed wife. Yet a successful businesswoman.

I failed my husband who loved me with all his heart.

I failed my daughter who trusted me with her life. 


Because I wanted the success I had chasing all these years. The years I spent building a reputation to hide my identity as the daughter of the man who died because of loan sharks.

 A dad who held so many debts because of his dirty habits. A well-known smuggler. A womaniser. 

I was 18 when my dad committed suicide unable to live his life with the mockery and debts piling up. And it wasn't that all. He just wasn't ready to take the burden instead threaded all his sins around my neck and wanted me to choke until I ended up like him.

I didn't know how he died and I didn't know that would mean the end of the itty-bitty protection I received from the horny male dogs with whom he made deals. The horror-filled nights were when my mom and I were wide awake in our beds with sweat-dripping foreheads. The reckless thrashing across our main door and the howls and vile laughter of the venomous partners of my dad ended up with me and my mom silently sobbing and praying to God for protection. 

It was a thin door before they broke in and tried to molest me and my mother before they ended up with their stabbed chest and slitted throats. I had no memory of the day when the two male pigs who broke into our house tried to rip off my innocence. The only harrowing memory was my tattered form coming to life at the sight of my mom being dragged by the police force. 

Although it was an act of self-defence I was penniless to prove it. I didn't have a penny to prove the truth to the world. To show I was a victim and I was punished because of a man who held the least sense of morals and made his family go through this. 

And there it went. The story of sorrow. Pain. And tears. My life was a hollow of innocence and betrayals. 

I worked.

I worked hard and hard every single day.

To bring my mom out of the prison. 

And prove her innocence. 

To erase the brand name hanging across my neck on the invisible slate as a daughter of the man who left his family at stake for dirty deeds, I tried so hard to stand where I am today. 

A renowned Chef in the world yet I proved I was nothing less than him. 

To be honest, I was worse than him. At least he didn't kill me and my mom but he made us live out of regret for each breath to be related to him in any way.

A cold splash of his haunting words echoed in the back of my head.

You can never be better than me, Y/N. You are worse than me. 

My sins are your sins, Y/N. And your sins are more vile than mine. 

Do you know why?

Because you are my daughter. A worse version of mine. 

You know why I didn't want to kill you?

Because I see me in you. 

And nobody can kill me if it weren't in my own hands.

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