Office Romance

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Happiest birthday to one of my favourite person ever! Enjoy!


"You are not getting it, Mr Jeon. This way you'll scare your niece with that poker look. Make way for your teeth now. Smile," I tried to coax the poker CEO of Jeon enterprise to spare his 15-month-old niece Giselle a smile. He looked as if he swallowed tons of rocks for dinner and was constipated for defecation. 

I was lifted in the spirits because Mr Jeon, my boss, invited me to babysit his niece. Perhaps it could be a no-emotional attachment from his side but it still mattered the world to me because I had been crushing on him forever.

"Gaw…gaww," the gibberish voice of Giselle caught my attention. The adorable princess gazed at her uncle with amused eyes. Being cozily settled on the pink baby high chair she was entertained at the exchange between me and her uncle.

 She plausibly wondered what made her handsome uncle look serious on a Friday evening when even the birds sang melody and enjoyed an autumn night. I ignored the pissed-off look he shot at me, grabbed a napkin from the desk of the high chair and wiped her courgette soup-smeared cheeks and chin. 

"You need to smile when you feed kids. I wonder why Mrs Park wanted you to babysit Giselle. Quit it, Mr Jeon, I'll handle her." I softly gripped the cereal bowl away from his hold and started feeding her while I let his stare burn at the back of my head. 

In seconds I felt the heat slather my body in waves and a strong breath down my neck. Rough shivers raked my spine, lodging an uneasy fear at the length of it. Anticipation ballooned my chest, taking up the void space of my breathing source.

"Why are you sweating, Dolla?" His deep voice caught me off-guard and I jolted to reality with his body heat licking my skin. I focused on calming my raging hormones and breathing. Slapping my senses to wake up from the violating scent of his, I cleared my throat and searched for my voice. 

I couldn't edge closer to the baby seat because the high chair tray was between us. I was pretty much trapped within the space and Mr Jeon seemed casual and unaffected. The little mind of Giselle was a geek in reading my emotions and she erupted into a fit of joyous giggles looking at my panicked expression. 

"I'll check the temperature," I released the breath I was holding when I sensed him walk away from me. With a face heated brighter than a ripe tomato, I was panting to fill in the lack of oxygen in my lungs. Giselle made grabby hands towards me and softly patted my cheeks as if she sensed the distress over my heated cheeks. I kissed the palms of the little angel and raised the spoon to feed her the courgette soup. 

Her expression shifted to a pouting one and she pushed the waiting spoon away from her lips soiling her hands. 

"Elle, no!" I cooed at the little angel who abruptly shit off her cuteness and mimicked her emotionally unavailable uncle. The man was lost for moments and I'm certain he would have been engaged in a call.

"Say, Ah," I tried once again after cleaning her hands and this time she followed after my actions only to spit it the very second. A dramatic cry escaped my lips looking at the soup seeping groggily out of her small mouth and soaking her purple floss dress. She started to make gurgling sounds with the remnants of soup in her mouth when Mr Jeon walked in. 

"Aish, Elle. Your mom will kill me if she sees you trying to choke yourself with the soup." He walked over and took the napkin from my hands and softly dabbed her lips. She swallowed the leftover soup as Mr Jeon fed her making random funny faces.

I was so shocked for moments to see this man could certainly handle a baby. Perhaps the fear of his sister's wrath could do things to you. 

"Her nanny will run her a bath. You can relax for a while. I'll make a call to Elle and ask when she'll be back home." He walked out of the room and the said nanny carried Giselle away from me. She was a brunette in her early twenties who looked at me in disinterest and studied my plain pink blouse paired with white pants before her eyes stopped on my face. Rolling her eyes she went towards the closet to grab the essentials, I assume. With the expression of Giselle, she seemed pretty comfortable and I calmed my nerves knowing she was in good hands. 

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