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It was quiet in the Mikaelson compound as everyone was asleep until thrashing and whimpering was heard from Hope Mikaelson's room. Niklaus Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Kol Mikaelson, Davina Claire, Rebekah Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard, Freya Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson rand into the youngest Mikaelson's room upon hearing her.

"Hope, wake up sweetheart" her father, Klaus, says softly trying to wake up his daughter but not scaring her.

"Hope" her mother, Hayley, exclaims shaking her daughter

Hope shoots up with a gasp and breathing heavily trying to come back to the real world but it's hard because of the worry she feels towards the girl from her dreams that she has become attached to even though she's not 100% sure she's real.

"Are you okay little wolf? Do you want to talk about it?" Klaus asks worried what could have caused his daughter to have a nightmare and is now looking worried.

"I'm fine" hope says "I'm fine" she repeats seeing her family's unsure faces

Hayley pulls Hope into a hug to offer some sort of comfort but it doesn't stop the Tribrid feeling worried.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Elijah questions his niece worried for her

Hope hesitates never having told her family about the dreams she has been having about the same girl for the last 14 years of her life not wanting them to take the dreams away as the girl has become an escape from reality, her safe space, the reason she can't wait to go to sleep, the girl that although Hope isn't sure she's real can't help but be proud of after everything she's gone through she still gets up and keeps going.

Hayley seeing her daughter's hesitation says "you can tell us Hope, we're here and we won't judge you"

Hope sighs before explaining what has been happening since she was 9 years old "Since I was 9 i've been having dreams about this girl Zoe Toretto she was about 3 when they started but it's like in these dreams i've been watching her life" Hope starts with a slight smile on her face not noticing the worried looks her family shares at the news "the good, the bad, everything and tonight she was in the woods hanging out with her friends and hunters came and attacked them from nowhere so her and her friends to protect themselves killed the hunters" hope continues, she looks up at her family worried "I need to know if she's ok" she states, Hope looks towards her aunt Freya and aunt Davina as their witches "is there a way I can find out if she's ok?" she asks hopefully

The two witches share a look "it's up to your parent's Hope we have no idea if this girl is dangerous let alone real" Freya explains "and even if they say its ok we can't do a locater spell because we have nothing of hers" Davina continues for her sister in law

Seeing Hope deflate her parent's share a look and once they see the same look on each other's face they nod at the other. They can see how much this girl Zoe means to Hope and they know she won't rest being worried about the girl.

"Is there anything we can do to find the girl or at least make sure she's ok?" Klaus questions

The Mikaelson and Claire witch nod and hope perks up.

"Really?" she questions

"We can try to access her mind using your connection with her but we will have to watch her life so far to make the connection stronger to see if she's ok now" Freya explains

"Is it dangerous?" Hayley questions worried for her only child's safety

Kol Mikaelson shakes his head having been silent till now "No she will be fine we just need to focus on the connection Hope shares with Zoe and that will allow us to gain access to her mind it's a psychological connection Hope seems to share with her" the ex-witch states, seeing the confused look from his sister, Rebekah, his older brothers, Elijah and Klaus, the mother of his niece, Hayley and his brother in law, Marcel he sighs and explains in a way they will understand "basically we'll access Hope's mind feed from the connection she shares with Zoe an then access her mind" the others now understanding nod

"When can we do this?" Hope questions her parents and aunts and uncles

"Now if you want" Davina says

Everyone nods and walks out of Hopes room and into the main room of the compound while Davina, Freya and Kol gets the grimoires and hope puts on a hoodie.

When everyone is in the main room the witches go on to explaining what everyone need to do

"Ok so while we're doing the spell until we are into Zoe's mind we can't let go of each other's hands otherwise we might have to start all over again" Davina explains and everyone else nods in understanding

"Grab each other hands and form a circle, Hope as you're the one with the connection to her you're going to have to do the spell with us ok?" Freya questions

"Yeah" Hope says excited and nervous

"What's to say this Zoe girl is even real, no offence Hope" Rebekah speaks up for the first time

"We'll find out won't we" The Tribrid unintentionally snaps at her aunt which takes everyone aback but they ignore it seeing as the young Mikaelson is worried

The Mikaelson's, the Marshall hybrid, the Claire witch and the Gerard vampire hold hands as the witches start to chant unaware of who the Toretto girl actually is and the rush of emotions the family of 9 is about to feel, especially a certain Original. 

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now