Chapter 31

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A week later, Talia, Derek, Laura and Zoe were sitting on the bleachers as Peter and Camden had a basketball game. Zoe was wearing Peter's Nike hoodie, black ripped jeans and white trainers, with her hair straight, her usual jewellery, mascara and lip gloss. Kol, Davina, Klaus, Elijah, Hope, Hayley, Freya, Rebekah and Marcel walk in their gaze immediately lands on the youngest member of their family who was talking with Talia.

"Come on" Kol says walking over to them as they catch what Talia was telling Zoe

"I've never seen Peter like this, you know?" Talia tells her best friend's daughter

"What do you mean?" Zoe asks looking at the woman who has taken on a mother figure to her

"This happy, he can barely keep a smile off his face, he blushes and stutters around you, he's never been like that" the Hale alpha explains to the quadrid who looks surprised by that "he's never been in love, yet the moment he met you, you were pretty much all he could talk about"

Zoe looks over at Peter who meets her gaze, both holding eye contact with smiles, she glances at Talia before looking back at Peter who has gone back to talking to Camden "After I lost Leon, I never wanted to fall in love again, I was adamant I was just gonna have one night stands for the rest of my life" she says and Talia chuckles at the girls bluntness "yet the moment I met Peter I was, immediately in love. I tried to fight it, ignore it, but I couldn't. And it wasn't the mate bond either, I mean sure it helped, but that wasn't why I fell for him. It was his eyes, his smile and laugh, his sarcasm, his cockiness and everything else in between..." she trails off with a smile, shaking her head slightly

"You really love him, don't you?" Talia asks with a smile, happy for the two teenagers

Zoe nods "I've never felt this way before, the love I have for him is consuming but euphoric at the same time"

Before anything else could be said the Mikaelson family sat down next to them "Wassup guys?" Zoe asks them with a smile

"Hey" and "Hello's" came from the group as they all smile at her

"Tal meet Kol, Klaus, Hope, Elijah, Freya and Rebekah Mikaelson, Davina Claire-Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard and Hayley Marshall, guys meet Talia Hale" Zoe introduces, before seeing Peter nudge his head signalling he wanted to talk to her "i'll be back in a minute" she says, standing up, ruffling Derek's hair before walking off

Laura laughs watching her best friend and uncle sneak off as Camden walks over to them "They can't keep their hands off each other" he groans

"Leave them alone, they're happy" Laura states amused

While the two teenagers are talking Talia was staring at Kol, confusing them all "You're her biological father aren't you?" she asks softly

Everyone's eyes widen at that "How do you know that?" Kol asks

"She has the same blue eyes your brother and sister have, but she has a lot of the same facial features as you" Talia states

"Please don't tell her, I don't want her to push me away" Kol pleads

The Hale alpha shakes her head "I won't, that's not my secret to tell, but you might wanna do it soon" she says causing them to raise their eyebrows confused

"Why?" Davina questions softly

Talia glances as her kids and adoptive son seeing them in deep conversation not listening to what they we're saying before looking back at the family of nine "The parental bonds she feels has everyone on edge, her family, her friends, Peter..." she trails off remembering Peter stressing about it, not wanting to lose his girlfriend "they aren't stupid, actually they're some of the smartest people I know, it's only a matter of time before they find out and it would probably be best coming from you, instead of her finding out on her own" Talia states, as the Mikaelson's share a look, knowing the Alpha had a point

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now