Chapter 26

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It's been a couple of months and nothing very eventful has happened, Zoe and Peter have continued growing their relationship and becoming stronger, Zoe was teaching Camden how to fix cars, Zoe and Laura would go on drives and sing their hearts out or have movie nights and sleepovers, although the group of four sure did love finding themselves in trouble, like they spy on hunters even though they could get themselves killed, or they mess with the Hale's and team sometimes getting Derek involved considering he loves Zoe and is practically attached to her hip which at first Peter thought was cute but after a while he got annoyed with his nephew always stealing his girlfriend from him, the also got arrested a couple of times but always managed to get out thanks to Hobbs who would not be impressed

In those few months Zoe and Peter went on dates and barley ever left the others side, never once sleeping apart they were either at Zoe's house or Peter's

Kol, Klaus, Elijah and Marcel slowly came around to Zoe being with Peter seeing as she's happy and he treats her right.

Zoe and Peter were seen cuddling in his bed watching a movie talking about random things with huge smiles on their faces

The Hale boy pecks her lips rubbing her cheek "I love you" he says, Zoe's eyes widen slightly then so does Peter realising what he said "y-you don't have to say it back, I mean um-" he gets cut off by the quadrid kissing him

"I love you too" she whispers against his lips staring into his eyes

Peter grins kissing her again which she gladly returns, he gently lays her on her back, rolling on top of her, her fingers tangle in his hair as one of his arms hold himself up so he doesn't crush her and the other hand slides down her body but before it can go any further the door swings open causing the two to break apart looking at the door seeing Laura and Camden standing their

"Can we help you?" Peter questions with a look of annoyance written all over his face

"We're going to get food so you guys can finish this later" Cam says

Seeing neither of them moving later huffs impatient "Now!"

Both huff getting up "Where are we going?" Zoe asks

"McDonald's" Camden says "after wanna go for a walk in the woods?"

The other three shrug "Sure" Laura says all walking out of the house after putting their jackets and shoes on, it's November and although they live in California and it doesn't get cold it was a bit chilly

After arriving and ordering what they want they all sit down just chatting, laughing and being normal teenagers, once they've finished eating they walk and go into the woods

Being in the woods gives them a sense of calm especially Zoe seeing as she's a witch nature is like another home to the girl, they were all walking along smiling and laughing when they heard a twig snap, looking around they see themselves surrounded by hunters all holding some sort of weapon whether it be a crossbow a gun or other weapons

"This is where I got to in the memories" Hope tells her family, earning nods of understanding

The four teenagers knew how this would end and they knew they would do whatever it took to protect themselves and each other, so after trying to get the hunters to back off (they knew they wouldn't, but at least then they could say they tried) one of the hunters shot a arrow which Zoe could of easily caught but then when she kills them she could say it was self defence

The Mikaelson's look murderous seeing the youngest member of their family getting hurt, wanting to rip the bastard apart.

Zoe yanks the arrow out of her shoulder staring at it, her face void of any emotion but her eyes show rage, she throws the arrow back and it stabs the man in the throat, all four shift into their beta shapes, letting out roars charging and killing all the hunters, ripping a few throats out, snapping a couple of necks, ripping some throats out with their teeth and once all the hunters are dead the first thing they do is make sure each other is ok, all of them drenched in blood but none of them caring, that's how Laura Hale, Peter Hale and Camden Lahey got their blue eyes

Once seeing they're all ok, or as ok as they can be they look at the bodies on the ground "You know this will cause trouble right? Especially with Gerard Argent" Zoe asks, waving her hand and the bodies disappear

They all sigh nodding "We know" Camden says softly

Zoe nods "How are you guys?" she asks

"What do you mean you're here too" Peter says knowing this will affect all of them not just them three

"Yeah, but this isn't the first time i've killed someone, especially killing someone to save mine or my family's life, so this doesn't affect me much, nothing I haven't done before, but this is your guys first kills, what changed your eye colour, so how are you?"

"I'm fine, wankers deserved it" Laura states with a smirk on her lips, the two boys nod in agreement with smirks on their lips

Zoe chuckles shaking her head softly at her best friends

"How are you?" Peter asks softly

Zoe smirks amused "I'm fine, it was quite therapeutic if I do say so myself" that causes the other three teenagers to laugh

Kol chuckles shaking his head softly seeing himself so much in his daughter

The whole family can't lie and say they aren't proud of the teenagers for protecting themselves and what lengths they went to, to keep each other safe.

"Whatever trouble comes our way" Laura starts "we stick together as one, always and forever" she finishes holding her hands out

All of them hold hands "Always and forever" they repeat smiling softly at each other

The supernatural family's breath catches in their throats at the promise made, the same one they made a thousand years ago and the youngest member of their family just made the same promise without even knowing them.

After they make their way back to the Hale house where Talia sees them covered in blood, to which she calls the Toretto girls family over and once they get their the four teenagers explain everything

The teen's families weren't angry at them if anything they were proud defending each other and knowing they had no choice

"Also someone might wanna get a lighter or something" Zoe says only just feeling the effects of the wolfs bane

Everyone looks at the girl "Why?" Ramsey asks slowly

Zoe moves her shirt showing her shoulder which hasn't healed because of the wolfs bane in her system "To get the wolfs band out my system and so I can heal"

Camden points at the Toretto girl "Yeah you might wanna do that before she dies"

Everyone gives him deadpan looks, while the quadrid scoffs offended "It's gonna take a lot more than some bloody wolfs bane to kill me" she states firmly

The Mikaelson's let out laughs at the girls comment before wincing seeing her fire hitting the girls skin burning the poison out of her, but sighing in relief when her wound heals and the girls ok

Peter hasn't left her side and he doesn't for the rest of the night having her fall asleep in his arms he knows she's ok and she's safe and that's all that matter to the boy.

The family of nine all let out gasps as they are pulled out of Zoe's head all catching their breath before looking at each other

"Pack your bags, were going to Beacon Hills" Kol states before speeding off packing just wanting to meet his baby girl, the whole time he has a smile on his face it's time, he is finally going to meet his daughter

Davina is the same she can't wipe the smile of her face, she has a daughter, although Zoe isn't biologically hers that doesn't make the girl any less her daughter

But they are alsonervous, they know the girl won't trust them straight away and they can't blameher after everything she's been through, but they will prove to the girl thatthey have no bad intentions and they love her, no matter how long it takes. 

Auhtors note: 

Next chapter they're going to meet!

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now