Chapter 4

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It was the night of the full moon and down in the Toretto basement all that could be heard was growls, rattling of chains and Zoe Toretto's pleas for her family to leave that basement in fear of hurting them.

The Mikaelson's look worried realising what this memory is and they can only hope everything goes okay.

"Princess you need to breath" Jack states sternly but calmly to the girl he adores

Zoe just growls in response getting more and more out of control as the moon gets closer to reaching its apex.

"Breath and focus" Dom starts realising what his baby sister needs "find something that means a lot to you and focus on it" he finishes hoping it will work

As Zoe does as her oldest brother advises her family flashes before her eyes, her pops, Dom, Jakob and Mia. Zoe focuses on the memories and emotions she feels every time she is in the mere presents of her family. Happiness, love, admiration and support along with other emotions flood her and as she focuses on the thought of her family she slowly shifts back.

The Mikaelson's watch in amazement and wonder seeing the 3 year old gain control but also wondering how she did it.

"How has she managed control?" Hayley questions baffled

"From what i've seen she has an anchor which as long as she focuses on it, it keeps the human side in control" Hope explains as best as she cannot really understanding either

"What's her anchor?" Kol questions curiously

Hope hesitates not wanting to upset her uncle "Her pops, Dom, Mia and Jakob" Hope says

Kol just nods not upset a little jealous yes but not upset. He looks back at the scene in front of him seeing his little wolf now out of the chains and her family hugging her and just supporting her.

The scene then changes showing Jack, Zoe, Jakob and Dom in the garage working on a car with smiles and all covered in engine grease.

"Seems our daughter's a bit of a gear head" Davina states in amusement

Kol looks at Davina in awe, love and appreciation hearing her calling Zoe their daughter for the first time. THEIR. It warms his heart knowing that although she didn't give birth to the girl she loves her as though she was her own.

Authors note:

There will be another chapter posted today as this one is short! I've also made a tiktok acccount with edits of the book, check it out if you want.

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now