Chapter 14

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In the garage a couple of weeks later the car is done and Dom and Brian take it on a test drive.

"You ready for this?" Letty questions, Jesse is practically buzzing, Zoe leans against Leon's side as he kisses her forehead

Jesse strokes the car "Yeah!!" Leon and Zoe exclaim in sync as the two men start the car and drive away

"I love you" Leon says to Zoe

"I love you too" the were-coyote replies smiling up at her first love.

"Aww, they're so cute!" Hayley exclaims happy the girl she loves like family is happy

"Yeah..." Hope trails off barley above a whisper knowing what happens

Down in the desert a few days later cars and people were seen everywhere, music blaring, the revving of engines as they race could be heard. Zoe's seen sitting in her car with sunglasses on her hair curled, rings decorating her fingers, hoop earrings in with the necklace her pops got her and one of Leon's chains around her neck, getting ready to race

"Baby, hey, baby" the guys she's going to race say, Zoe just looks at him with a blank expression "you should be watching from the side, I wouldn't want to get exhaust on that pretty face" he says

"How about you put your money where your mouth is" she responds back annoyed

"I'll race you for that sweet little ass" he states cockily

"You want ass, why don't you hit Hollywood Boulevard? You want an adrenaline rush it'll be two large" she says grabbing her money and holding it up "right here, right now, what's it gonna be?" she asks

The man grabs his money "You got it" he states as they pull up at the start line, he makes kissy faces, Zoe just rolls her eyes annoyed before pushing her sunglasses up and taking off, her in the lead, he uses his NOS taking over slightly before Zoe uses hers "See ya" she states with a cocky smile passing the finish line

After grabbing her money she starts making her way towards her family before she is picked up and spun around by Leon "That's my girl" he shouts with the proudest smile on his face, Zoe grins down at him before leaning down kissing him

"I love you" she states with a huge smile

"I love you too baby girl" Leon states back matching the smile, he puts her down "I gotta go Jesse's up in a minute" Leon states holding her hands

"Go, tell him I said good luck" she tells him

"Will do" he replies kissing her once again "i'm so proud of you" he states walking backwards still looking at his girl

Zoe beams at him before turning around and walking over to Dom drinking a red bull and talking to Dom and Vince.

Leon runs over seeing Vince and Zoe play fighting and Dom watching in amusement patting Dom's shoulder gaining all of their attention "Yo! Heads up guys, we got problems"

"What?" Dom questions the two Toretto's and Vince following Leon

"Jesse" Leon states pointing at his car driving away

"Where's Jesse going?" Zoe asks confused

"He just raced Tran for slips" Leon replies softly

"Oh shit" Dom says running a hand down his face

Tran speeds toward the group Letty now standing near them "Where's he going?" Tran asks the two Toretto's

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now