Chapter 12

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One year later...

The Mikaelson's look confused seeing it's night time in LA wondering what's going on.

A truck with the name Rodgers on the side was seen going down the road when 3 black cars with green led lights underneath come down the side blocking the truck in. One in the front, one on the side and one at the back. The truck honks the horn. A person is then seen climbing out of the roof of the car in front, shooting a harpoon gun into the glass of the windshield on the truck pulling it off. They then shoot another harpoon into the passenger seat connecting the wire that's still connected to the arrow from the harpoon to a harness climbing fully out of the car before jumping to the truck, which the driver trying to hit the person with a baseball bat swerves the truck in the process, the person then shoots a tranquilizer gun knocking the driver out. The person stealing the car then moves the driver to the passenger seat and starts driving the truck. They drive through barrels and seeing a work site approaching one car leads them through, the car on the side not having enough space drives under the truck and the one at the back continues driving behind the truck, once they have enough space the car that was now driving underneath the truck pulls back to the side and they carry on driving.

The Mikaelson's look confused watching the truck getting stolen until it clicks

"Was Zoe one of the drivers?" Elijah questions concerned for his youngest nieces safety

"Yeah" Hope responds knowing what's coming up.

The next morning at the Toretto house Zoe and Leon are seen fast asleep Leon laying on his back with Zoe's head on his chest one of her arms resting on his chest, one of Leon's arms around her shoulders with the other arm his hand is in her hair, Zoe in just one of his shirts and Leon shirtless the sheets covering the bottom half of them.

Kol growls not happy about this at all knowing full well what it meant and much like the youngest brother, Klaus, Elijah and Marcel wear scowls on their faces also not happy.

Leon stirs awake and looks down at the girl he is so madly in love with instantly smiling seeing the peaceful expression on the 15 year old girls face.

"Staring is rude" Zoe speaks opening one eye with a smile on her face

Leon grins back "Can't help it when my girl is this beautiful" he responds cheekily

Zoe chuckles with pure love shining in her eyes gazing at her boyfriend before leaning up pecking his lips

"I love you" she whispers against him lips

"I love you too" he whispers back before kissing her again, Zoe rolls on top of her boyfriend straddling his hips never one breaking the kiss, after a few seconds Leon rolls them over now on top of the were-coyote witch resting between her legs, the Toretto girls hands run through his hair one arm around his shoulders before the memory changes not showing what happened next.

"Seriously" Kol screeches

Davina chuckles at her husband "Calm down Kol, it was bound to happen at some point" Davina points out earning a look from her husband

"But it shouldn't have" Kol sulks with his arms crossed and a murderous look on his face

Across the street if the Toretto cafe a red truck is seen pulling up with a man dressed in all black with blonde hair gets out, crossing the street and entering the cafe.

Upon hearing someone enter Mia Toretto looks up from what she was writing and smiles softly seeing the man, he sits down at the counter on one of the bar stools

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now