Chapter 11

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The Mikaelson's look around seeing themselves outside of the Toretto market & cafe before looking toward the road as a car was heard speeding down the road.

Climbing out of the car was a 14 year old Zoe Toretto with a face like thunder obviously not in a good mood.

Zoe locks her car before storming into the cafe "Hey ZeZe" Mia exclaims

Zoe just nods in response, walking to the fridge the cafe has pulling out a red bull

"What's the matter little sister?" Dom questions softly taking his baby sisters sunglasses off and when he does he can see the problem

Zoe groans at the light taking her sunglasses back "Leave it Dom" she says barley above a whisper trying not to make her headache worse

She then walks over to the counter where Mia is working and jumps onto the counter

"What's wrong with you" Mia asks concerned but before she can reply Dom answers

"She's hung-over" he grunts

Mia looks at her little sister with wide eyes and mouth dropped open grabbing her sunglasses and pulling them off

"Hung over" Davina screeches worried for her baby girl

"It's the anniversary of Jack's death" Hope says softly explaining her cousins reasoning for getting drunk

The family now understanding what is going on with the now teenager look back at the screen seeing Mia scolding Zoe obviously worried and Zoe just nodding obviously not listening

Outside two race cars pull up and out step two teenage boys one with blonde hair, green eyes and the other with brunette hair, green eyes. Both walk into the cafe looking around walking towards the counter when Zoe looks over and her gaze lands on the brunette with green eyes she looks intrigued, taking her sunglasses off and putting them on her head to get a better look at the boy.

"No" Kol says sternly, not liking the scene at all, in the originals eyes no one is good enough for his baby girl

"It was going to happen at some point Kol" Rebekah says amused with her brother

"It's not like he's her first kiss" Hope says without thinking which causes the family heads to snap towards her

"What" Kol screeches in horror, Hope's eyes widen in realisation to what she just said and quickly looks away from her family

The boys gaze catches Zoe, although she was obviously hung over, he couldn't help but think she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, with those bright blue eyes staring back at him in curiosity and when she smiles softly he could of sworn he felt his heart melt.

Him and his best friend walk over to the counter taking seats at the bar stools

"Hi, what can get for you?" Mia questions

"What do you suggest?" Jesse questions back seeing as his best friend hasn't taken his eyes of the brunette

"As long as it's not Mia's tuna you'll be fine" Zoe retorts giving a sarcastic smile which causes the brunette boy to smile at the girl's humour

Mia smacks Zoe with the towel she had on her shoulder which causes the girl to chuckle softly at her big sister all the while feeling the boys eyes never leave her

"I'm Jesse" the blonde states when the sisters attention returns to them

"I'm Leon Baker" the brunette smiles mostly towards Zoe than Mia 

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now