Chapter 21

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The next morning Peter blinks his eyes open slowly adjusting to the light before looking down seeing Zoe with her head on his chest and arm across his waist, dressed in just his t-shirt, one of his arms around her shoulder the other tangled in her hair and he can't help but smile at the sight of the girl just holding her closer and playing with her hair

Zoe wakes up a little while later groaning softly snuggling closer to the Hale boy

"Morning sweetheart" Peter whispers kissing her forehead

"Morning" she mutters softly, placing a kiss on his chest

It's quiet between the two teens as they just hold each other both feeling happy and content for the first time in they don't even know how long

"No I don't like this" Kol states with a scowl on his face and narrowed eyes

His brothers and brother in law nod in agreement, while the girl's just chuckle shaking their heads softly.

"I need to go home soon, we have school" Peter says softly not wanting to go

"I know" the were-coyote sighs not wanting him to leave but knows he has to

After laying there for a while, both sit up, Peter about to get ready to leave and Zoe get ready for school when the door swings open causing the two teens to snap their heads towards it seeing Mia and Letty looking back at them with wide eyes, mouths ajar

"Don't tell the others especially Dom and Jakob" she asks pleadingly

The two older girls share a look before nodding "Fine, we won't tell them" Mia says softly causing the two teens to relax, letting out relieved sighs

"How long have you two..." Letty trails off pointing between the two supernaturals

Zoe shakes her head "Yeah no we're not talking about this" she states firmly, her sister chuckle before walking out and closing the door

The Hale and Toretto share a look before laughing softly, both getting up Peter putting his jeans and jacket on, Zoe raises her eyebrow

"Don't want your shirt back then?" she asks amused

Peter shakes his head biting his lip walking closer to the girl gently tugging the bottom on his shirt pulling Zoe closer to him "Nah, looks better on you" he says softly before leaning in to kiss the girl who slaps her hand over his mouth earning a confused but amused look from the Hale wolf

"Morning breath" she states shaking her head

Peter chuckles pulling the girls hand off his mouth "I don't care" he mutter before kissing the girl who kisses him back

Pulling away Peter smiles softly at the girl rubbing her cheek "I'll see you later" he whispers against the girls lips

Zoe nods "See ya" she mutters pecking his lips again before he climbs out the window, kissing her one last time before leaving

Zoe goes to the bathroom brushing her teeth, showering, doing her hair, skincare and makeup before going back into her room picking out her outfit

Walking down the stairs dressed in blue jeans, black cropped top, a navy blue jacket, black thigh high heel boots and her usual jewellery, not noticing the hickeys on her neck, walking into the kitchen to have a coffee Mia and Letty are sitting there both smirk seeing Zoe

"So you and Peter huh..." Letty trails off giving Zoe a pointed look

"Are you guys together?" Mia asks curiously

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now