Chapter 2

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Now 2 year old Zoe Toretto was seen thrashing around on her bed, whimpering and muttering in her sleep. Her family hearing her rush into the room trying to wake the small child but as the nightmare gets progressively worse things in her room start floating which causes her family to look around in confusion till it clicks for them as to what is happening. Turing wide eyes to Zoe filled with shock, confusion and awe. The wind outside picks up as the Toretto witches magic continues to grow out of control.

"Oh my god" Kol breaths out with shock and awe never seeing a witch as young as his daughter so powerful. Scratch that he has never seen any witch as powerful, sure Hope is very powerful but she wasn't this strong at Zoe's age. Kol's whole body also floods with concern for the safety of not only his child but her adoptive family seeing how much they mean to his baby

"Wow" Davina states wide eyed at her step daughters power, even when she had the sacrifices of 3 other girls in her she wasn't this powerful. She can't help the pride and admiration that floods her chest as she watches the girl she already loves whole heartedly, but the pride and admiration is no comparison to the worry she feels towards the girl she has claimed as her daughter wanting desperately to hold the girl and whisper sweet nothings in her ears

Hope watches in pride and respect for her baby cousin but she also feels a worry like she has never felt before because although she knows the girl she loves more than anyone else will be ok it doesn't put her at ease seeing the were-coyote in obvious panic

Klaus watches his niece in wonder and amazement never seeing anything like this and if the girl was anyone else he would have wanted her for her power and don't get him wrong Klaus does want the girl but not for power, no, Klaus wants his niece to show her love and care for her knowing that his daughter is his redemption but now so is the girl he feels proud to call his niece. He also can't help the anxiousness that flows through his body for the small girl's safety.

Rebekah blinks in shock and bewilderment at what is happening around her niece's home all because of a nightmare, granted she doesn't know what it is about but still, she's shook and much like the rest of her family worried for the girl.

Elijah has never felt as shocked and concerned as he does in this moment. The girl he is honoured to call his niece is having a nightmare that scares her so much her magic is this out of control safe to say he is extremely worried.

Freya watches with wide eyes full of shock at the raw magic that belongs to the girl, but the anxiety of what could happen to her niece or the ones she loves makes her panic, but if Freya was being honest she was a bit excited seeing the magic hoping that her and her youngest niece can bond over the magic and she can teach her spells, yes Zoe will have Kol who used to practice magic and has been around different witches for over a thousand years and she has Davina who can also teach her as well as bits hope can teach her but she would also like to help the girl she admires so much already, she wants a bond with the girl much like the rest of her family.

"Zoe, sweetheart come on wake up" Jack coos his youngest feeling extremely worried for the girl he is proud of to call his daughter being a witch doesn't change that for him much like it doesn't change her sibling love towards her and if anything the older 4 Toretto's feel more protective towards their youngest member of the family

Zoe awakes with a scream and when she opens her eyes her gaze lands on her father and instantly relaxes never feeling safer than in the presents of her father and older siblings but when she moves her gaze intending to look towards her siblings she sees everything floating and just now hearing the wind outside and she panics again which her family notice and Jack pulls his youngest into his arms as the two older boys and older girl climb onto the bed, Dom placing his hand on Zoe's knee, Jakob placing his on her shoulder and Mia grabbing the newly discovered witches hand for some sort of comfort which works as the girl immediately relaxes, the wind stops outside and everything in the little girls room goes back to where it belongs. But also so she knows that they aren't scared of her and still love her no matter what.

"Daddy?" Zoe questions which catches their attention although they were all looking at her anyway they were all thinking of how to help and protect the girl they all love unconditionally

"Yes princess" Jack responds calmly and soothingly knowing how his youngest is feeling although she doesn't need to say it

"Did-did I do that?" the were-coyote tribrid questions in worry not wanting to hurt the people she loves most

Jack hesitates not wanting to scare the little girl but not going to lie to her either

"Yes baby, you did" he states quietly as though not to spook the girl when he sees her starting to panic he finishes quickly but calmly "but it's ok, it was an accident and we will find a way to help you control it, how does that sound?" he finishes

"Get rid of it?" Zoe questions with a frown not liking the sound of that at all

The 9 members of the Mikaelson family stiffen at that.

"No princess, we will find a way to make sure that no one gets hurt accidently and you can choose when and how to use your magic" Jack explains

"Really?" the girl questions in excitement and wonder

"Of course baby girl" Jack exclaims happily seeing the excitement and wonder in his daughters eyes

The girl's biological family relax seeing the honesty in the man's eyes and voice.

Zoe hesitates before asking the question she's not sure she wants the answer to

"You guys still love me right?" she questions anxiously

"Of course we do" Mia exclaims as if it's the most obvious thing in the world

"You're like our very own super girl with magic powers!" Dom exclaims trying to cheer up his baby sister

"Really" Zoe questions with a huge smile liking the thought of that

"Yep, in fact I think you having magic make's you even cooler and more awesome than before" Jakob says tickling the young girl which earns him a giggle

Jack smiles watching the interaction with his children feeling pride that they aren't going to treat their youngest sister differently because she's different.

The group of supernaturals relax seeing the youngest Mikaelson not being treated any differently than before like they all feared.

A few weeks later after some digging on Jack's end the man finally found a way to help his daughter control her magic and learn some new spells. He found a grimoire and when he gifted it to his youngest she was overjoyed which brought a huge smile to the man's face knowing that he managed to fulfil his promise to himself and his children about helping the young girl he couldn't be prouder to call his daughter.

Authors note: 

Here's chapter 2, hope you enjoy!

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