Chapter 9

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The Mikaelson family are now standing in the Toretto home garage looking at a now 10 year old Zoe Toretto working on one out of two of the 1970 dodge chargers both of them belonging to Jack Toretto. He finished fixing the first on which now belongs to Dominic Toretto, but the one the supernatural girl is working on is one that only her and Jack worked on but sadly he never got to finish working on it with his daughter and although it hurts the were-coyote witch that her father can't finish it with her, it isn't going to stop her from finishing fixing the car up and making her father proud.

Dom leans against the garage doorway looking at his baby sister working on the car that means the world to her listening to music while looking completely relaxed doing what she loves the most. It also makes her feel like her pops is there with her by her side working and teaching her everything about cars, how to fix them and how to drive them.

"Hey ZeZe" the oldest Toretto boy says softly which gains his sisters attention

"Hey" she says with no emotion in her voice which causes her older brother to sigh

The youngest Toretto girl has barely shown a hint of emotion towards anyone since her second eldest brother, Jakob Toretto left two years ago. Everyone can see the difference in the girl who you once upon a time would never see without a smile on her face, to the girl who barley shows any emotion let alone smile, no matter how hard people try to help the girl it never works much and her family has slowly come to terms with the fact that Zoe Toretto will never be the same again.

"How's it going" Dom questions nudging his head towards the girls car

"Fine" she responds in a monotone voice

"Zo I know things have been hard since pops died and Jakob left-" the older sibling starts only to be cut off

"More like you kicked him out" his sister states and there's a hint of anger in her voice, which she can't be blamed for

The human sibling looks guilty because in all honesty he does miss his younger brother and regret his decision every day, he was just so angry he never considered that what Jakob did was an accident and in all honesty he wonders what makes him any better after what he did to Kenny Linder, because that although he didn't mean to hit him so many times, was intentional he wanted to harm the man who murdered his father.

"I miss him too you know?" Dom says softly

"Find him and bring him home then" Zoe starts rounding to face her brother which is when Dom sees the engine grease all over her and can't help but smile softly at the state the girl is in and she obviously doesn't care "because if it wasn't for you Jak would be home right now here with us, his family, where he belongs" she finishes

Dom sighs knowing he has to tell his baby sister the truth "I have been looking" he starts and he sees hope fill the younger girls eyes which breaks his heart knowing what he is about to say will crush the girl "for over a year now, but no one knows where he is" the human sibling watches the hope slowly leave the 10 year old who is his whole world eyes "I didn't give up though and still haven't but there's nothing-" he gets cut off again by the young girl who now has tears in her eyes

"You can't bring home someone who doesn't want to come home" she whispers as her voice crakes and a tear falls freely down her cheek, realisation dawning on the girl that her brother just doesn't want to come home, come back to his siblings, come back to her.

Dom has tears in his own eyes watching his sister, he walks closer and hugs her tightly as his sister sobs in his arms as tears flow down his own face.

Zoe's biological family heart breaks at the youngest member of their family's pain wanting to comfort the girl they all love so much.

Kol and Davina each let tears flow down their daughter's pain wanting to hold the girl and never let go.

Once the brother-sister duo calm down Dom cups his baby sister's cheeks wiping her stray tears before giving a watery smile "I promise no matter what happens, I will always be by your side" he swears to his sister

"Don't make promises you won't keep" she says softly, upon seeing her eldest brother's confusion she finishes "Jakob made the same promise and yet he left without looking back and now he doesn't want to come home" she finishes looking at Dom heartbroken

Dom sighs "I won't break it, you are my whole world, my littlest sister, I would never leave you" he expresses how much the girl means to him.

Seeing his sister nod slowly he smiles at her before hugging her again.

Zoe pulls away and smiles at her older brother "I'm going back to my car, wanna help?" she questions which shocks her brother as she never let's anyone touch her car

"Sure kiddo" he smiles as he ruffles her hair which she growls mockingly at, Dom just laughs at his sisters antics

20 Minutes later Mia, Vince and Letty got back from grocery shopping walking past the garage they all stop seeing Zoe and Dom laughing and singing while working on the younger girls car, they all share a look and smile slightly before carrying on taking the grocery's inside leaving the siblings be.

"Does he keep his promise?" Kol questions not wanting his daughter to experience any more pain than she already has

"Yeah, even when they leave LA Zoe goes with him" Hope states

"What about Jakob?" Freya questions curiously

"He comes back into her life when she's 16" the tribrid explains

The family relax hearing that because it's obvious how much the youngest Toretto boy means to Zoe.

Authors note:

Her relationship with Leon is coming up, I know in the movies him and Jesse are the same age as Dom and the others but in this im making them the same age as Zoe. I know that Leon doesn't die when Jesse does but we don't see him in any other movies so I want to end his story line, it will also help when Paige dies and she will be the only one to understand Derek properly and be his comfort about the whole situation.

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