Chapter 1

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The chanting from the witches dies down seeing they are now in Zoe Toretto's mind. The family lets go of each other's hands looking around where they are until they hear screaming the look over seeing a woman in a hospital bed giving birth.

When Kol Mikaelson see's the woman he furrows his eyebrows wondering why she looks familiar but nobody notice his expression as Zoe Rose Toretto was just born.

"Would you like to hold her" the nurse questions the new mother

"No, thank you though" the woman whose name is Corrine replies

The hospital staff in the room shares a look but nod ok as another nurse knocks on the door and pops his head in

"Her adoptive family is here" the buzz cut haired nurse informs the midwife

"ok thank you, we are going to make sure that everything is ok, so while we do that can you bring them up please?" the midwife questions

"Of course, no problem" the nurse replies as they wheel the baby girl out of the room and to another to do all the necessary checkups and gets the adoption papers and the birth certificate that Corrine has to sign.

Once the nurse still in the room with Corrine gets handed the birth certificate "Thank you" she says to her fellow nurse who just nods

The nurse then fills in the time of birth, date of birth and other things necessary then hands the birth certificate over to Corrine so she can fill out the rest

"I'm sorry to ask but is her birth father around so he can sign the birth certificate? If not you can do it if you wish" the red haired nurse asks with a polite smile

"No, no he's not around" Corrine replies mimicking the smile before she goes back to filling out the paperwork "thank god" she mutters under her breath just the thought of her daughters father making her hackles rise.

Once finished she hands over the paper to the nurse who smiles and thanks the were-coyote on the bed before taking the certificate to the nurses station to put with the other paperwork including the adoption papers which read:

This certifies that Jack Toretto

Has officially adopted Zoe Rose Toretto

by signing this certificate, I promise to give them the lifetime of love, care and attention that they deserve. I promise to do my best to protect them and help them live a happy and healthy life

Jtoretto                                                                                                                                                                      19/01/1976

Signature                                                                                                                                                                                             date

Then the birth certificate which reads:

Name: Zoe Rose Mikaelson

Date of birth: 19/01/1976

Time: 18:43pm

Birth Mother: Corrine Delgado

Birth Father: Kol Mikaelson

Kol's breath hitched in his throat when he sees his name on the birth certificate the rage flowing through his body is like nothing he has felt in his 1000+ years of living, never feeling so robbed, so sad but he also can't help but feel happy and excited he has a daughter.

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now