Chapter 23

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Slowly blinking her eyes open Zoe smiles softly seeing Peter sleeping peacefully with his head on her chest arms wrapped securely around her waist while one of her arms are around his shoulders and her other hand playing with his hair, she leans down kissing his head softly before gently moving him off of her going into the bathroom to shower, brush her teeth, do her usual makeup and straighten her hair, once she's finished she walked back into her room getting dressed in grey joggers and a white crop top and putting on her usual jewellery

Peter groans waking up before frowning seeing that Zoe isn't in bed he lean up on his elbows seeing the quadrid sitting at her vanity putting her necklace on, once she's done she turns around smiling at him and he can't help but smile back

"Hey" she says softly

"Hey" he grins lazily back at her, before he makes grabby hands

Zoe chuckles standing up walking towards the Hale wolf climbing back onto the bed and snuggling into Peters arms, both have big smiles on their faces

"How you feeling?" Peter mumbles against her head

"Good, you?" she asks just above a whisper

"Amazing" he says smiling wider making his cheeks hurt but he doesn't care before he remembers something "did you know that Dom asked Talia if we wanted to come over for a barbeque today?" he questions curiously

Zoe's eyebrows raise "No, what did she say?" she asks

"Yeah we're coming over at 2" he states

Zoe smiles leaning up to peck his lips "Well i'm not complaining because I get to spend more time with you" she states

Peter grins, he doesn't know what it is about Zoe Toretto that just makes him smile and never want to stop. Honestly when they're together the rest of the world disappears and it's just them, in their own little bubble and they love it.

"Zoe!" Deckard shouts causing the two teens eyes to widen

"Yeah?" she asks sharing a panicked look with Peter both sitting up

"Hurry up and get your ass down here I wanna play basketball and i'm actually gonna beat you this time" he shouts

Zoe laughs "In your dreams Shaw, you've been trying to beat me for weeks" she states with a smirk on her face not noticing the awed stare the Hale wolf is giving her

"You play basketball?" Peter asks amazed

"Yeah, why?" she questions confused

Peter stares at her for a couple of seconds causing the girl to raise her eyebrows slightly before he leans in and kisses her, his hands gently holding each side of her neck, her hands resting on his waist, before they finally pull away

"What was that for" Zoe asks breathlessly

"You just continue to amaze me" he states staring at the girl as if she's his everything

Zoe chuckles glancing down briefly, her hair falls into her face and the Hale boy pushes it behind her ears before she looks back up at him smiling at him

"He loves her" Kol mutters staring at the scene

"Yeah and she loves him" Hope states softly

Peter looks at the time groaning softly "I gotta go so I can get ready and come over" he mutters dropping his head to the girls shoulder arms wrapping around her waist

Zoe grins in amusement wrapping her arms around the boy "It's only for a while then you coming over again" she states trying not to laugh at Peter's cuteness

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now