Chapter 5

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Now 5 year old Zoe Toretto was outside in the summer with her pops working on his car and spending some quality time with him seeing as her now 16 year old brother, Dominic, was out with his girlfriend Letty who Zoe adores as though she is her sister, 15 year old Jakob Toretto is playing basketball down the basketball courts and 12 year old Mia is at a friend's house.

"Pops" Zoe starts "can I ask you a question?" she finishes

"Of course Princess what is it?" Jack questions curiously

"Why do you still love me?" she questions curiously, upon noticing her father's confused look she continues her train of thought "it's just Dom, Mia and Jak aren't like me, like i've got all these powers, you don't treat me any differently than them, I was just wondering why you still love me and didn't get rid of me" she finishes unsurely

Jacks whole face softens at his youngest words "Because princess, no matter what you are you're still my little girl and I love you for who you are, no matter what!" The Toretto father starts "and although you may be different you are still beautiful and still my daughter" he finishes honestly knowing it's the truth Zoe may not be his biologically, she may be different than her siblings but she is still his daughter nothing in the world could change that

Zoe smiles at her father's words she never doubted his love for her she was just curious he could've thrown her out, tested on her, treated her differently and he could've hated her but he didn't and he never will.

"I love you pops" the were-coyote states with the biggest smile as she looks to her father who is crouched at her level

"I love you too, little wolf" Jack says with a smile mimicking his daughters as he hugs her

Zoe sighs in comfort being in her hero's arms feeling at home. Jack Toretto is Zoe Toretto's home, her safe space, her world and so much more.

Hearing Hope sigh is sadness and pity at the scene the rest of her family look towards her confused especially when they see the tears in her eyes, but those tears aren't for her, no there for her cousin

"What happens?" Rebekah questions in worry for her youngest niece

Hope sighs "Jack dies when Zoe is 6, herself, Dom and Jakob watch it happen" she explains briefly not wanting to go into the horrific details about what happens and the pain it causes her cousin

The rest of the family's breath hitches at that knowing how much Jack means to Zoe, they're worried how that will change the girl.

"She-um-she's okay though right like she gets over it and returns to normal?" Marcel questions worried for the girl who has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Seeing Hope look away they get their answer, Zoe Toretto is never the same after Jack Toretto's death, which they can't blame her for not only does her father die, she watches it happen, it's bound to change you.

They look back at the scene watching as the father daughter duo has now gone back to fixing the car with smiles on their faces blissfully unaware of what's to happen in a year.

Later that night Jack and Zoe are cuddled up on the couch watching bedknobs and broomsticks when her sibling come home, without saying a word once they got their shoes and coats of they joined their father and youngest sister on the couch snuggling up and watching the movie with them.

Authors note: 

agian another short chapter sorry about that!

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