Chapter 22

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It was finally Saturday and today was the day the Toretto team started decorating the garage they bought, Zoe was dressed in an old oversized t-shirt, black biker shorts and white trainers, her hair was up in a messy bun with side parts out, her usual jewellery

Peter, Laura, Camden, Talia and Derek walked past the shop before hearing the music and people singing and when they look they see the team singing 'what is love by Haddaway' while painting, they share a look before walking over

Zoe hearing the footsteps looks over "Hey" she shouts over the music gaining the rest of the team's attention

"Hey" Laura says smiling softly at her best friend

Derek squeals running over to Zoe "Ze!" he shouts

Zoe chuckles scooping the 5 year old up "What's up der-bear" she says smiling at the boy

The Hale's and Lahey smile softly at the scene but Zoe's family blink surprised, she hasn't shown much emotion to anyone besides the family, well as far as they know, so to see her genuinely smiling at Derek was slightly shocking to them

"Hey guys" Mia says smiling softly at the teenagers before looking at Talia "Mia Toretto" she says holding her hand out

Talia smiles softly at the woman "Talia Hale" she says

Mia furrows her eyebrows looking at her baby sister "Pops best friend?" she asks before looking back at Talia "Sorry Zoe didn't say anything although she has been extremely busy" she states side eyeing her sister

Zoe hearing Mia's remark snaps her head to her with wide eyes, Letty snickers understanding what the older Toretto girl is implying, while the men furrow their eyebrows, Laura and Camden slap hands over their mouth trying to stop their laughter, Peter blushes and ducks his head slightly and Talia smirks amused

"Shut up" Zoe mouths to her sister with a glare

Mia just smirks smugly "What's that supposed to mean?" Dom asks crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at his baby sister who put's Derek down

Zoe puts on an innocent smile "Nothing, she just means with school and fixing this place before we open" she explains

Dom just stares at her for a couple of seconds before nodding "Ok" he shrugs off before introducing himself to Talia "Dominic Toretto but just call me Dom" he says holding his hand out

"The way he just believes her" Marcel says snickering

"I can't wait till he finds out about Zoe and Peter" Klaus states amused

Zoe walks over to the other three teenagers while the group introduces themselves to the Hale alpha

"Hi" Peter says smiling softly at the girl

"Hey" Zoe responds smiling back both just staring at each other, Laura and Camden share a look, before Camden clears his throat gaining the twos attention, Peter blushes ducking his head while Zoe just raises an eyebrow

"We're here to you know" Laura states annoyed, Zoe smirks amused

"Aww Laur are you jealous" she teases with an amused grin on her face

"I'm not jealous" she exclaims a little too loudly causing everyone else to look over, as Zoe, Peter and Camden start laughing

Zoe slings her arm around Laura's shoulder "Don't worry Laur you're still my favourite" she states

"Hey!" Peter exclaims throwing his arms up, narrowing his eyes at his niece who smiles mockingly at him snuggling closer to Zoe "You didn't think that the other night though" he mutters smugly

Talia hearing what her little brother said chokes on her own spit, while the teens just look amused, the team is confused considering they don't have supernatural healing they didn't hear what he said and Derek just isn't paying attention to anything their saying

"You ok?" Jakob asks the alpha handing her a bottle of water

"I'm fine thank you" she says smiling at the man

"Need some help?"Camden asks gesturing around

The team share a look before looking at Zoe who shrugs "Sure" she states going back to what she was doing, Peter following like a lost puppy

They all start painting, singing and just having fun when 'Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley' comes on causing the teens to grin and start singing practically shouting the words to the song, all just enjoy the day, cherishing the moment

The supernatural family smile at the scene and if they're being honest they can't wait to meet Zoe.

Later that night Zoe is in her room wearing just Peter's t-shirt and underwear watching dirty dancing when her window opens and Peter comes in

Zoe looks at the Hale boy with a smile "Hey" she states before looking back at the TV

"Hey" he states smiling, taking his shoes, jacket etc off going over to the bed climbing in besides the girl opening his arms which she gladly cuddles into her head on his chest as his arms warp around her, kissing her head

Peter sighs just soaking up the moment praying to god it won't be the last, knowing what he has to tell the girl and if he was being honest for one of the first times in his life Peter was nervous, nervous about how she was going to react and if she will push him away.

"What's the matter?" Zoe questions, pausing the movie, looking up at Peter knowing he's nervous but doesn't know why

"I need to tell you something" he mutters anxiously

Zoe sits up cautiously looking at the Hale boy, silently wondering if she was going to regret letting her walls down with him and if she's about to be hurt "What" she asks slowly

Peter curses himself out in his head seeing the once relaxed girl become tense, he knew what she was waiting for, she was waiting for him to hurt her, but he knew even if he wanted to hurt her he never could "I spoke to Talia about why we aren't healing from each other's marks" he says slowly, watching as the girl relaxes slightly nodding for him to continue "we're mates" he practically whispers looking at the girl seeing her just give him a blank look

"Mates!" Kol screams, his face red in anger, hell you can practically see steam coming out of his ears

The whole family, besides Hope and Hayley, eyes widened at the revelation

"And how do you feel about that?" she asks

"Honestly" Peter asks earning a nod "I think it's the best thing that's happened to me" he says "what about you?" he asks swallowing dryly knowing he could lose the girl he has fallen head over heels in love with

Zoe stares at him for a couple of seconds making him more anxious "I think it's great" she says smiling at the boy who relaxes

"Really?" he questions just to be sure

Zoe chuckles nodding "Really" she says with a bright smile

Peter softly grabs the girl pulling her into his lap wrapping his arms around her waist as hers go around his neck, he leans in kissing the girl softly both having huge smiles on their faces

"Thank god" he mutters against her lips causing her to chuckle, kissing him again

He flips them over so he is now resting between her legs, never once breaking the kiss, Zoe's hands run through his hair pulling him even closer, never wanting to lose this feeling, never wanting to lose him and she doesn't they don't know it yet but they spend the rest of their lives by each other's sides and they wouldn't have it any other way

Kol huffs slowly accepting the fact that his daughter although she won't admit it yet, which is ok, is falling in love with the Hale boy and as long as she's happy he is too.

Authors note: 

Short chapter, but they're mates!

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now