Chapter 27

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When the Mikaelson's arrive in Beacon Hills the whole family was nervous but what they didn't know was that as they drove past the sign into the town Zoe felt something shift inside of her, she wasn't sure what it was she just knew something was different and was going to change.

With Zoe...

The quadrid was sitting at the island in her kitchen with Peter by her side, Laura and Camden opposite them, all of them talking about what happened with the hunter a couple of days prior

"I know it was self defence but..." Laura trails off

"You feel guilty" Zoe finishes for her

Laura stares at her best friend for a second before nodding slowly "Yeah"

The two boys nod in agreement to the Hale girl's statement also feeling guilty

"Guys, it's ok to feel guilty, you took a life, hunter or not they were still human and honestly you guys feeling guilty makes you human" the Toretto girl states giving them a reassuring look

After a couple of seconds Camden speaks up "How do you deal with it?" he asks looking at the were-coyote witch

Zoe raises her eyebrows slightly "What?"

"Killing them, I don't know if you feel guilty and just hide it well or you don't care but, how do you deal with it?" he asks softly

Zoe stares at him for a couple of seconds "I don't necessarily feel guilty but I do feel something similar to it no matter how small it is, but i've had blood on my hand since I was 15 and yes some I do feel guilty for..." she starts with a distant look on her face remembering Leon "but mostly I had to think it was them or me, them or my family, or it was revenge, and yesterday was no different it was the hunters or us, we chose us and I make no apologies for that" she finishes with a shrug, earning thoughtful looks from the other three supernatural teenagers, they didn't think of it like that

As they were thinking Zoe began rubbing her chest feeling something shift which snaps the other three out of their thoughts

"Sweetheart you okay?" Peter asks looking at the girl worriedly

Zoe just nods slightly before dropping her head that her cold counter unaware that her eyes have gone there were-coyote blue

"Zoe!" Laura exclaims gaining the attention of the girls family who run into the room seeing the youngest Toretto groaning clutching her chest with her head on the countertop and the panicked looks from the other three teenagers

Dom immediately runs to his sister rubbing her back softly before looking at the other three supernatural's "What's going on?" he asks calmly but there's a hint of panic in his voice

They shake their heads baffled "I don't know one minute were talking then the next she starts rubbing her chest and groaning" Camden states as Peter paces his wolf going crazy seeing something happening to his mate but not knowing what and resisting the urge to push Dom away from the girl and tear him apart

Zoe lifts her head that's when they see her eyes with her fangs dropped "ZeZe you need to get control" Dom whispers but the Toretto girl doesn't hear it

She suddenly chucks her head back letting out a howl which causes her family and two best friends eyes to widen and Peter's eyes turn blue hearing her howl and seeing her eyes, once she's stopped howling she shifts back to normal panting slightly

"What the hell just happened?" Roman shouts, causing Tej to nudge him in the ribs

Zoe shakes her head "I have no idea" she mutters looking confused leaning back in her seat

Peter walks to the girl cupping her cheek causing her to look at him "Are you ok?" he asks staring into the girls eyes rubbing her cheek with his thumb

Zoe smiles softly at her mate "I'm fine"

"Ok, talk us through what happened" Mia says softly

"I have no idea one minute we were just talking the next something felts weird in my chest, hell I still feel it now..." she trails off with a thoughtful look while her family share worried looks

"What do you mean feels weird in your chest?" Jakob questions

"I-I don't know, like something shifted inside me, like my magic, wolf and coyote were trying to tell me something..." she shakes her head "and now i'm left with a feeling I haven't felt for 11 years" she says not looking at her family just staring at her hands playing with her rings

Now everyone else in the room is even more confused "What feeling?" Dom asks

Zoe slowly lifts her head that's when everyone sees the tears in her eyes, but she only looks at Dom, Mia and Jakob "A parent bond" she says swallowing the lump in her throat

Hearing that her siblings eyes go wide while Peter pulls the girl into his arms, who immediately relaxes, wrapping her arms around him and basically clinging to him

"Zoe..." Letty trails off

"But it's different and there's not just one there's to, one like pops, but obviously not him, but the other..." she shakes her head confused "it feel like what i'm assuming is a bond between a mother and her child" Zoe finishes causing her family to tense

"Corrine?" Hobbs asks with anger lased in his voice wanting to kill the girls biological mother much like the rest of her family, her best friends and boyfriend, who hold the girl tighter

The quadrid shakes her head "No I never felt any sort of bond with her, it's not Corrine"

"Which means it's someone else" Laura points, causing her family to share an uneasy look.

With the Mikaelson's...

Now at their new house they were about to start discussing a plan, when they all hear Zoe's howl and share looks, Kol was about to run out the door but Hayley stopped him

"Kol don't" she says softly

"What why? She could be hurt or in danger and-" he starts to rant angrily but is once again cut off

"That howl wasn't one of 'I need help' it means she feels a bond with you and possibly Davina too and her wolf and coyote are trying to tell you where they are, but consciously Zoe will have no idea what's happening, especially if she does feel a bond with Davina because she's never had a mother bond, so she'll probably be freaking out" the Marshall hybrid explains

Kol stares for a couple of seconds before reluctantly nodding "What can we do then, I just want to meet my daughter" the original states wearing a sad expression

"What about if you, Davina, Hope and Rebekah go to school?" Elijah starts earning looks as if to say 'go on' "That way you can see her, but don't scare her off and maybe try forming some sort of bond with her" he finishes

"That's actually a good idea" Rebekah comments "i'm in"

"Me too" Hope states with a nod

Davina nods "It's a starts Kol" she says softly when she sees her husband's face knowing he wants to tell the girl who he is to her immediately but that will cause her to push them away

"Ok" Kol agrees

"I'll call the school" Freya states smiling softly at her younger brother knowing this is hard for him

Kol just nods back gratefully before walking to his and Davina's room and starts unpacking.

Authors Note:

Okay so I just want to clarrify some things

1. I know in the show they get blue eyes because they killed an innocent but in my book i'm making it so you get blue eyes if you feel guilty, which Laura Camden and Peter do seeing as although the people they killed were hunters, they were still humans.

2. Everything that happened in the fast and furious story line happens in a space of 2 years, I know in the movies its happens with years between them but just go with it, the Cipher storyline doesn't happen and Mia and Dom don't have kids yet.

Hope this helps!

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now