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"Anything's fine." I uttered, and his response was just as mysterious as him. "If so, can we have some beer?"

"Whhhhaaaaatttttt?" I freaked out.

"Have you ever had any alcoholic drinks in your life?" He asked.

"Never!" I answered.

But I always wanted to taste it someday.

"You wanted to taste it at least once in your lifetime, right?" He can easily read my mind.

"Yes!" I chuckled.

"Let's go to a resto bar that is family- and women-friendly." He said that and held my hands.

I never knew that bad could be this good. Being with him was itself intoxicating. I followed his orders just like a puppy following the master.

He took me out and got on his big bull-like bike.

What am I supposed to do now?

"Hop on!" He could sense the words that I failed to say.

I got on his bike with so much hesitation while I got a call from my father.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I stopped him from starting the bike. I attended the call with fear flowing through my veins.
"Hello Ma!"

"Yes, Dad." I gulped my fear and started talking.

"Your chairman came to our home. If possible, can you come back?" He said that, which was the least possible thing that I ever imagined.

I got down, missed an adventurous ride, and went back to my home by bus.

"Come in, dear. Your chairman is waiting." My dad said this as I opened the front gate.

My father and mother sat on both sides of him, just like a pillar that protected him.

I couldn't raise my voice, though I wanted to.

All remained silent until my mom broke it after a minute or two.

"What do you like to have?" She asked him out of hospitality.

"Anything is fine," he said while my thoughts drifted to Jax. He would have offered a beer for this answer.

My mom went in to bring some snacks and drinks for him while my dad started talking.

"What's your name? You look so young to be a chairman." He asked with a suspicious look, thinking that something might be between us.

"I am Enzo. I am not the working chairman right now. I am the only grandson of him, and soon I am about to be appointed as the working chairman." He boasted, and I hated it.

"What brings you here?" My dad asked.

He gave an answer that could bring a heart attack not only to my father but also to me. "To congratulate her, as our recruiter team has tripled her salary."


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