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"Can I come to your home for a sleepover?" I asked.
"Whhhhhhaaaattttttt???" He freaked out.
Is this the way guys react if a girl makes the first move?
"Yes or no?" I asked in a stern voice.
"No!!" I didn't expect this answer at all. But I didn't want to let go of him easily.
"Hey! Are you both trying to cheat this innocent girl? I am coming to your home right now." I wanted him to freak out or act like a freak, just the way Jax reacted.
"You don't even know my address." He mocked me. "Hey, you are more or less a celebrity in this city. You stay with your grandpa, don't you?" I asked confidently.
He started laughing and said, "No. Go and knock on my grandpa's door, who will never come out this late. You will sleep on the doormat if you do so." He burst into laughter, imagining me sleeping on the doormat of his grandpa's home.
"You cheat me, don't you?" I asked the question that I should be asking Jax. But there was always silence when it came to Jax. But Enzo makes me talk a lot, or at least he provokes me to spill out my feelings, which happens only with him. But I couldn't handle the stress that I got in these two days from these two idiots. I started sobbing.
"Is everything alright? I will text you my address. Come over, right now." He said this and disconnected the call.
I got a text message from him within a minute, but I didn't know what to do with it.
As I talked a lot on the phone, I didn't see the time passing. It was already 11.30 p.m., and my parents gave up on me and went to sleep.
I didn't even have my dinner, which my dad and mom asked me to eat before picking up the Jax phone.
Now the whole world was silent, and I didn't have the courage to step out alone. So I texted him, "Some other day!" For which he didn't reply at all.
It may or may not be his real address. Who knows?
As I was waiting for his reply, I could hear a car coming towards our home. I tried to look through the window and witnessed a familiar face.
It's Enzo.
Tring tring tring tring
I took my phone and murmered, "Bye! Let's talk tomorrow." For which he said, "Come out! Or else I will be coming in."

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