Chapter 15

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~Anon, Anon Sir!~

   I stood there for a second as Alex’s phrases were echoing in my mind.

”Alice? Alice are you copying?” I heard Helen’s voice shouting from my walkie talkie.

   I placed it out of my pocket and brought it close to my mouth.

”I’m here Helen.” I answered with confidence.

”Ok, Annabel will come in some minutes to your bench. She will bring you a bag to place the waters. Place inside as many as you can carry and follow her. She will get you into the room they are shooting.”

”Copy that Helen.” I said and I started walking back to my bench.

   Some minutes later I saw Annabel walking towards me. I was placing some bottles on my bench when I turned to smile at her.

”Everything’s good?” Annabel asked me as she opened the bag in front of me.

”Aham…” I answered while I was placing one by one the bottles inside.

“Ok, follow me and try to keep it down…” Annabel said and I followed her.

    She led me to a secret pass of the room they were shooting. It was back stage. I knew it because there, close to the walls, were standing makeup artists, hairdressers, assistants and many other people that needed to be there in case something was wrong. I was curious to see what was happening. 

”The other girls couldn’t come to help you, so you will be alone…” Annabel whispered to me as we kept walking. 

”It’s ok, I can handle it.” I answered while my eyes were getting used to the darkness that was in the room.

”You will be standing there.” Annabel told me and pushed me in front of her. 

   And there it was, the sets for the inside scene they were shooting. From were I was standing I could see the lights and the people that were regulating them, I also could see the cameras and the people behind them. I saw the director holding the script and at last I could see all the cast working. Thank God, Annabel hadn’t pushed me somewhere were the cameras could shoot me. I was behind them, and that was giving me the privilege to walk even feather and stand by the cameramen. I was feeling so excited! 

”OK PEOPLE FROM THE TOP!” The director said as he sat to his sit and the bell of the shootings rang. “AAAAAAND…. ACTION!” He yelled.

   I heard some people cheering and laughing, curious I stepped on the tips of my feet just to see better. I could see clearly the people that were cheering happily but not who they were. I could also hear water running but I wasn’t sure were that was from. I heard some extras coming up some stairs and someone saying something like: “How long it has been Hal?”

”Pst!” I heard a voice and looked around to see who was doing that sound. 

   I saw a cameraman calling me and I walked slowly towards him.

”Hello Alice good to see you here.” The man whispered to me. 

”Hello John nice work.” I said to him as I smiled. 

   John was a chubby man with moustache around the age of 55, he was the leader of all the cameramen’s team and I knew him very well because he was one from the first that came to my bench and talked to me. He was a very funny and happy guy and I was glad I knew, at least, him in there. 

”My throat is killing me…” John complained. 

”I got you here some water… In the break come to my bench, I’ll make you a nice, hot cup of tea.” I whispered as I handed him a bottle of cool water from my bag. 

”You are an angel Alice, thank you.” John whispered and opened the bottle.

”Can I stay here with you to watch?” I asked him. 

”You don’t have to ask my dear.” He replied and drank some of the water as I turned my head and saw clearly which scene was shooting.

”Francis!” I saw Tom shouting while he was sitting down. 

“Anon, anon, sir!” I saw a man saying as he was holding some things on his hand and run to Tom. 

”Come here, Francis.” I heard Tom saying again. 

”My Lord.” The guy named Francis said to Tom.

”How long hast thou to serve, Francis?” Tom asked the guy.

   The scene was so funny, the way they were acting and that poor Francis… I had to place my palm in front of my mouth just to keep me from giggling out loud. And, Tom he was so adorable as he was acting. He was bringing out so many feelings. Plus just to see him laughing, even if he was acting, it was precious. 

”CUT!” The director said and the lights turned up. 

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