Chapter 21

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~I’ll stand strong for you.~

“Don’t go!” I screamed louder this time and took one step ahead. “Toooooom…!”

   My voice was hearing loud and proud. And I felt like someone was giving me a second chance when I saw him stopping. With his head still down he turned to look at me.

”Don’t go…” I said once again and start running to him.

   I felt on him and placed my lips on his. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my hands around his neck and tasted for one last time the taste of his lips. If what I had chosen was a mistake then I wanted to remember every single detail. I felt Tom’s hands wrapping around my waist and holding me there tight.

   After a while, when our lips had just separate I looked into his eyes. And I smiled because I saw almost what I see every time I look into Henry’s eyes, love. But in Tom’s case I could also see some drops of desire.

”Mmmm, I had almost forgotten what taste your lips had…” Tom whispered as he gave me another quick kiss.

”Tom…” I exhaled as I placed my palms carefully on his cheeks. I caressed his soft skin while I was watching his eyes sparkling and looking at me waiting for what I was going to say. “I…” I took a deep breath. “You know that this is very wrong…”

   I looked at Tom, he was nodding his head, he was aware that what we were doing was 100% impossible to last. But something was different in him. He had came here to find me. Like he wasn’t caring at all if I was famous or a nothing. Tom hugged me tight and buried his head within my hair.

”I know darling… I know…” He whispered close to my ear.

“Oh God, I don’t want you to go!” I told him powerless and kissed him once more.

”I don’t want either… I want to stay with you.”

”I would love that.” I answered with a smile on my face while my hands were slowly driving down to his neck. 

”Alice…I-” Tom was just about to say something but we both heard someone singing as he was walking towards the laboratory.

”Hang on a second…” I said, gave him a quick kiss and run to the bench I had left my things. Quick I picked them all up and run back to him.

”Come.” I squeaked to Tom as I chuckled and took him by the hand when he opened the door and we run out. 

  When we were at least twenty steps away from the shop I heard Tom laughing and I laughed with him. I stopped for a second to wear my coat and my bag and I felt Tom’s cold fingers touching my hand and tangled between mine. I looked at him and smiled, Tom leaned his head and came close enough to kiss me again. 

”Sorry for the interruption…” I told him and he smiled.

”Don’t mention it darling.” He said while we kept walking. 

”You don’t regret it, do you…?” I asked him to make sure that he was aware of what we were about to do.

”Regret what?” He asked as we started going down the stairs to the subway station. 

”You know, us being together…” I answered while I was looking around, noticing that we had just missed it and that was why no one was to the platforms waiting for it to come except us.

   Tom slowly and without caring if anyone would see us, he placed me against the cold wall of the subway and kissed me passionately. I was starting to like those love attacks. This time I opened my lips more letting him taste what he was loosing all this time. 

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