Chapter 41

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~Nothing & Everything.~

   Those wonderful smells that I was caring in a paper page were breaking my nose. I stopped for a second in front of the door and took a deep breath. Without any thinking I pressed the doorbell and smiled.

“Hey baby!” Tom said happily when he opened the door and gave me one of his charming teeth-full smiles.

”I brought you Chinese!” I informed him and walked into his apartment.

”Great, great…” He answered as he closed the door behind and we both walked into his living room.

   I placed the paper bag and my backpack on his dinning table and took off my coat and my scarf. Tom was standing behind me a few steps away, just looking. I could see that something was bothering him, he was seemed sad and confused.

   Tom looked up and saw me looking at him. He smiled like he was saying me “I had been better…” and then he looked down. I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his body as I placed my head on his chest. I closed my eyes slowly, letting the warmth of his body and his perfume being everything that I needed right now. He placed he hands around me and rested his head on mine.

    Some seconds later I raised carefully my head and stood on my toes so I could touch his soft lips. After so long I was finally kissing them. Tom responded right away and his warm lips covered hungrily mine.

”What is it baby?” I whispered to him as he took me on his arms and we lay on his couch.

”I missed you so much…” Tom also whispered and pushed back some of my hair.

”I missed you too.” I said and kissed him again.

   When I pulled back my head and looked at him, Tom was looking sceptical down, his lips were a thin line and his eyebrows weren’t playful.

”Talk to me…” I whispered softly. Tom looked into my eyes and his lips separated for a bit.

”I had a hard day, that’s all…” He replayed and placed his forehead on my chest while he was holding me close to him.

   I didn’t talk right away, I wanted him to calm down, to feel comfortable again, to remember that he could tell me whatever he wanted, to understand that I was there for him for better or for worst.

”What is it baby?” I asked after a while.

   Tom raised his head and looked at me with those perfect, big, sparkling eyes.

”I love you Alice…”

”I know baby, I love you too…”

”It’s the first time in my life that I love someone so much. The first time that I feel like I can’t breathe without you, that I can’t enjoy anything without you…” Tom softly said and stopped to caress my cheek and to look once more in my eyes.

   I smiled as I tried to hide my movement from him. Those words he just told me meant the world for me.

”I’m forever grateful that you came in my life.”

”Stop baby.” I said and turned to look away because tears started falling.

   Tom smiled and placed his hand under my chin as he turned slowly my head to look once again at him.

”No, I want you to know these things.”

”I don’t have to know them, I feel them. All that you just said is how I feel.”

   Since the moment that I walked in his apartment, right now was the first time I saw him smiling by heart.

”Look Tom, I know that…” I wipe off some tears and looking at him. “I know that you are a famous guy and I feel… I don’t know how I feel… I feel confused, I feel scared, I feel like sometimes I’m messing up… but most of all I feel so happy that you took a shot at me. That you turned your eyes and looked at me. The words…” I paused for a second as I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “The words can’t describe my love and my happiness to be with you.”

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