Chapter 33

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~Scream and Shoutings.~

Bbbbrrrrrrrr. Brrrrrrrrrrrr…
”…Hello…? Hey… Yeah… Right, right…Ahm…” I was hearing Tom’s voice in the dark. Silence, Tom hang up the phone. “Fuck…” He whispers and lay back to bed.
”What… what happened sweetie?” I ask him as I place my arms around him.
”We need to wake up…” He mumbled and kissed my shoulder.
   Slowly and still sleepily we both got up and I opened the light. I took a sneak pick out of the window, outside was still night. I turned to look at him and make sure he hadn’t fall to sleep again. Tom was sitting on the edge of the bed covering his eyes from the light. I walked to my drawers and start looking for some warm clothes.
”This director is trying to kill me…” He said and got up.
   I laughed and turned around to look at him. He had bended over to his backpack to find his clothes. “That ass…” I thought and I bite softly my nail.
”Niiiaaarrrrrr…” I said when I placed some clothes on my bed.
”Ehehehehe.” Tom laughed and got up, he had perfectly understood what I was meaning.
   He walked towards me and came behind me. I could feel his skin on my back, strong muscles, warm chest, cold fingertips caressing my neck, hot breathe. I closed my eyes and laid my head back to him. He placed my hair to one side and start kissing me. I was feeling like I was losing control… slowly… intimately… Tom’s hand was crawling its way down to my breast when I touched it.
”Stop…” I whispered to him out of breath.
”But I don’t want to…”
”Please… we need to go…” Tom took a deep breath as I remembered him that we needed to be on the set before the sun comes out. I tangled my fingers between his and I felt him squeezing them hard.
”You are right.” He said after all as I turned to look at him and he gave me a deep, French kiss. “This should keep me for a while.” He said and I smiled to him before we start dressing up.
    Since last night had started snowing on the set I chose to wear again my black, rubber boots with high black shocks, a dark blue tight jean and a black footer. I also placed a green scarf and my black coat.
”I’ll go and check how is Henry.” I informed Tom and he nodded to me while he was zipping his jean.
   Without making any sound I opened a bit Henry’s door and went in his room. I kneeled next to him and heard his breath. He was in a deep sleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead, the fever had gone once and for all. I got up and walked out of the room. Tom was waiting me on the hallway. I smiled to him and we walked out of the apartment.
”Robert is already downstairs.” Tom said as he placed his backpack better on his shoulder. I followed him down the stairs, out of the building and in to the car. Outside was freezing cold. Quick we got in the car. When Robert started driving while Tom checked his phone for a moment.
”Everything is alright.” He said to me and we kissed.
”Then I guess we can take a nap…” I told him and leaned my head to his shoulder. Tom gracefully picked up my legs and placed them on his labs, he kissed my forehead and closed his eyes after a while.
    They had been shooting for at least five hours. The sun was up in the sky after all this time but he was hiding from us behind a light layer of white clouds. Still he was giving us as much white, bright light we needed.
    All the land under our feet was white from the last night’s snow. The set was magical. It was shame it started melting after a while, because of the hit of the cameras and all those footsteps. We had already shot some big scenes and now we were on a break.   
   I was walking around the set with a big smile on my face, handing hot beverages and foods to the cast. Today everything in my bag was full of calories. We were going to shoot an action scene and everyone from the extras was going to need power.
   Tom approached me, he was wearing that sexy armoury again and that red cape. Without saying anything he gave me a cold kiss. After our lips separated I looked into his eyes, the bright light of the sun had made him have half-open his eyes. But their colour weren’t a bright green, even if everything around us was white. His eyes had turned into a deep, mysterious green.
”What are we waiting for?” I asked him while we started walking.
”The director is telling to the extras of the enemies and to ours what scene we are going to shoot.” Tom answered. 
”OK PEOPLE WE ARE READY! LETS DO THIS!” Everyone heard the director shouting from his megaphone. 
   Tom turned to look at me for a while. His right eyebrow had lifted and he was looking at me with puppy eyes. I smiled to him.
”Go!” I said to him and he smiled. 
”I’ll come to you later!” He shouted while he climbed on his characters horse and ride away.
   Every member of the cast had gathered on the set. As I was looking around I saw once again hairdressers and makeup artist walking away from the crowd. Suddenly the sky turned grey. I looked up and saw dark clouds gathering. 
”Hey Alice.” I heard a woman’s voice and turned to look back down. Annabel was walking towards me. “They are going to shoot the first action scene!” She said happily. 
”Yes, yes! I know!”
”Ok, come with me. We need to find a good place to sit.” She told me and we started walking up the hill. 
”You mean…” 
”Yes, we need to see what they will shoot!” She answered to me before I even end what I would ask her.
   When the ring of the shootings to start rang we were already sitting on the ground. It was cold but it was pretty cool. We would have the entire fight scene shooting before us and without the fear if the cameras saw us. Some other girls came where we were sitting and sat by our sides. They had the same job with me. 
”I got chocolate!” I heard Annabel shouting while she was searching her bag of foods she was caring.
”We can’t eat these.” I told her before she opens it.
”And why is that? They can eat all this food and we get nothing?” Annabel told me and un-wrapped the chocolate. “Here taste it.” She told me as she handed half. 
”Ah… ok!” I said and smiled when I took the chocolate from her hands.
”ACTION!” the director shouted. From the left and the right I saw men running to meet in the middle. Some of them were on horses, some on foot. I saw arrows, not real ones, flying in the air and some of the extras falling on the ground, slowly those men were rolling over and getting out of where the cameras may shooting. But their job hadn’t finished yet. They were going back in the field again only this time as someone else. As I was looking around I saw Tom and I smiled. 
   “Look at him, look how he is fighting on that horse!” I was screaming in my head. Good thing is, that from where we were standing we could also hear what they were saying, most of the time were just men shouting but, if Tom had to shout something I could hear it! And speak of the Devil…
”Lend me thy sword!” I heard him shouting to Simon. 
   I raised my head to look better at him. Tom, I mean Prince Henry was on his horse but he didn’t have a sword, he was shouting to Falstaff to give him his so he could fight, but he wasn’t hearing him.
”He is indeed, and living to kill thee. I prithee, lend me thy sword!” Prince Henry shouted again. 
    Suddenly some people start pulling Tom off his horse. “No!” I thought as I lost him in the crowd. I stood up so I could see him better. He was alright, he was fighting. Relieved that he was ok I turned to look at Annabel, she was looking at me like I was crazy. 
”AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” I heard Tom sceaming in pain and turned to look at him. Someone who was holding a spear had stubbed him on his chest.
”Sit down, they just acting.” I heard Annabel. 
   But my heart was beating like crazy. I had actually believed that they were hurting Tom and I couldn’t take it off my mind. The ring for break rang and I started running down the hill, from where we were standing. “Baby…” I thought in delirium and continued running faster. 
   Tom was just walking away from the crowd when he saw me. I jumped on him and hugged him tight.
”Wow darling, what happened?” He asked me as he placed his one hand around my waist and the other behind my head. I didn’t answered I was just trying to catch my breath. “Hey, hey what happened?” He asked me again when I turned my head to look at him.
”Nothing…” I whispered and placed my lips on his.
”I should scream more often if that turns you on…” He said as he placed me back on the ground. I looked at him and punched him on his chest. Of course, with the armoury he was wearing he didn’t felt a thing.
”You scared the hell out of me!” I said and he hugged me again as he laughed. “Although that scream was a bit turn on…” I confessed and bit his under lip. 
   Tom was ready to repay that kiss but the ring of shooting caught us. 
”I can’t believe it…” He said breathless while I was laughing. 
”OK WE ARE SHOOTING THE SCENE OF THE SINGLE COMBAT!” The director shouted and some of the cast walked away from the crowd. Tom followed them without saying anything.
   I turned to walk back to where we had sat but I saw the girls coming towards me. Annabel handed me my bag and said:
”Let’s see your lover’s duel.”
   I smiled and followed her. 
   That personal combat was between Prince Henry and Harry Percy, and we were walking on the set that was in a forest, not far from the mains battle field.

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