Chapter 35

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~A Hero Like Thor.~

”So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said to Tom and kissed him.
”Oh yes…” He whispered close to my ear and softly bit my lobe.
”Ok…” I replied as I opened the door of the car.
   I was just about to get off the Jeep when Tom pulled me back inside and gave me this time a passionate, full of love, deep, kiss. He looked at me, when our lips separated, I was licking mine.
“Good night.” He said with a husky voice and let me get out of the car.
”Good night!” I answered and run in the building.
    When I opened the door of the house I saw Alex, Lina and my baby sitting in the living room watching a film.
”Hey you guys!” I said kindly and took off my bag, my coat and my scarf.
   Something was feeling very wired, I could tell. Something wasn’t going so well…
”Hey!” Alex and Lina answered me, but Henry didn’t say a thing.
   I walked to the couch and leaned to kiss him, but he avoided my kiss and didn’t ever turn to look at me. Confused I looked at Alex, he lifted a bit his shoulders showing me that he had no idea. Lina paused the movie and looked at us to see what was happening.
”Is it something wrong baby?” I kindly asked Henry.
”I don’t want to talk to you.” He answered right away and got off the couch.
”Why? What happened?” I asked as I watched him walking out of the living room.
”I DON’T LOVE YOU ANY MORE! Leave me alone!” Henry shouted and run to his bedroom.
   Alex got up and stopped me from following Henry.
”What was that?” I wondered out loud.
”Let him calm down…” Alex said as he softly pushed me into the kitchen.
”Why is Henry acting so wired?” I asked him and sat down on a chair to think.
”You have no idea?” Alex replied and sat on a chair opposite mine.
”I can’t think of anything…” I mumbled.
”Well how about Tom being in your life?” Alex said and I felt my mind lighting up.
   He was right! All these years I had Henry, he haven’t seen me once with another man. I was so devoted to him that I wasn’t even caring to find a man. Henry grew up watching me standing alone. And now that we moved to England and I’m with Tom, Henry was feeling vulnerable and alone, like he was loosing me. But he is the number one for me, how can he feel alone?
”I’m not getting it… Being with Tom hasn’t changed a bit of how I feel about Henry… Why is he acting like that?”
”Maybe he feels that he is losing you, he feels that Tom’s presence in your life is threatening his place.”
”But I tell you: nothing has changed!” I shouted to Alex while I was trying to understand.
”Then big mama, go and talk to him. Make him understand that nothing changed between you and him…” Alex simply said to me.
   I looked at him. He was right. I got up and without saying anything I walked towards Henry’s bedroom. I stood out of his closed door and knocked.
”May I come in?” I softly asked, but I didn’t take any answer so I pressed down the door’s handle and opened.
   I saw Henry sitting on his bed with his back looking at me.
”Baby, are you alright?” I asked him.
”Go away!” Henry told me with broken voice and I felt like a hand was squeezing my heart.
”We need to talk Henry…” I said as I closed behind me the door.
”I don’t want.” Henry replied angrily.
   I took a deep breath, this was so hard to me. Listening to him talking to me like this… something had changed inside him. He was feeling unloved, alone and afraid. But all those feelings were not true.
”Then let me talk to you.” I said and walked to his bed. I sat on its edge and noticed that I was still looking at Henry’s back. Sad I turned my head and looked down while I was playing with my fingers nervously.

”You know that I love you like nothing else in the whole world Henry, don’t you?” I started saying but I didn’t take anything for answer. “I loved you from the moment I learned that I will carry you inside me for nine months and I loved you even more when I brought you in this world.” I told him as I smiled a bit, because memories of him where jumping in my mind. “When I first kept you in my arms I made a promise to you, I would be there for you always, I would love you forever.” I continued. “I don’t want you to feel like I don’t love you anymore just because a new member came in our family…”
”But you will forget me…” Henry mumbled and turned a bit to look at me.
”Why are you saying that?” I asked him.
”You will forget me like my daddy did…” Henry said and I saw tears streaming down his red cheeks.
”You are the most important thing that ever happened to me, how can I forget you?” I whispered to Henry as I cleaned his eyes from the tears.
”Some of the kids in school are making fun of me… They say that no one loves me and that’s why my daddy left me…” Henry tried to say still with broken voice.
”Oh baby…” I said and hugged him tight.
   Henry turned in a little warm ball in my hands. I sat better on his bed and placed his body between my legs as his head was on my chest. I kissed the top of his head and he raised his head to look at me. His cheeks were red and warm from the crying, his eyes were red as well and they were sparkling like diamonds.
”Your daddy loved you very much Henry, and because he is not here right now that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t misses you or that he stopped loving you…” I whispered to him while I was caressing his back.
”Then why did he left us? Why aren’t we a family? Why he doesn’t come to see me?” Henry started asking me.
”Your daddy is a great man baby.” I said to him and took a deep breath to find the strength to continue. “Your daddy is much more different that all the other daddies. And you know why?” I asked him kindly. Henry nodded his head negatively. “Because honey, your daddy is a hero.” Henry turned once again his little head to look at me.
”What kind of hero?” He asked me.
”Like Thor!” I answered him right away. “Your daddy is a super hero. He travels a lot around the world and saves lives. Sometimes he is just staying home and preparing for his next travel.”
”Do I look like my daddy?” Henry asked me after some seconds.
”Everyday even more.” I kindly said and with a sweet smile on my face and pushed in front his Mohawk. “You have the talent of his and his bright blue eyes. Your eyes are sparkling just like his and there are some times that you remind me of him a lot.” I told him and hugged him even tighter. “So baby, don’t you listen to what the other kids are telling you. Ignore them. Your daddy loved you very, very, very much…”
”Then why I haven’t met him?” Henry asked.
”Mommy left daddy when you were still only some months... Here…” I said to him, leaned over to his desk and gripped a photo.
   I placed the photo in front of Henry as I placed my left cheek on the right sight of his head. Henry looked at the photo.
”This is your daddy and you some days after we brought you home.” I said to my son.
   Henry carefully placed his fingertips on the frame and caressed the glass that underneath was his daddy. The man in the photo was looking and smiling at the camera as he was holding in his arms little Henry.
”He is smiling…” Henry pointed out.
”Yes baby he does…” I replied as I was remembering that moment. 
”I wish someday he’ll come to see me.” Henry kindly said and hugged the photo.
   I hugged my baby boy and kept in that position for some seconds.
”I love you Henry.” I whispered to him. 
”I love you mommy. I’m sorry.” Henry said and hugged me back.
”Come, let’s go wash away those tears and get to eat some chocolate cake that Alex is making.” I told him and we both walked out of his room, happy that everything had return to their normal situation. 

    Somewhere far away from England, oceans and miles away a man raised his head. He stopped playing the same rhythm in the piano and let the room sink into silence. The man got up and walked towards the window. Out of his house he could see the city living, with her bright lights and her noises. The man stood there as he crossed his hands on his chest. The door of his room opened.
”Bro, are you coming?” A man asked him.
”Yeah… yeah…” The man answered without showing any attention.
”Are you ok?” The man at the door asked him while he was placing a black hat on his head.
”I don’t know…” The man answered and looked down for a second, still lost in his thoughts.
”Well, we better hurry.”
”Henry!?” The man asked confused as he walked to the door and to the other man who was standing there.
”What is wrong with you brother?” The man asked when he stepped away from the door and walked down the stairs that the house had inside.
”I… I don’t know…” The man said as he took his Blackberry and closed the door behind him.  

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