Chapter 1

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She landed at the Nice Airport, it was December 2022. Just three years ago, at the same time around the year, she left  Monaco. She left her loved ones, she left her dream and she hoped that she left her monsters too. However, the monsters were inside her brain, in very deep places that she couldn't get rid of.

It had been three years since Alma stepped foot in Monaco, though it chased her. It was her home and none of the places felt like home, although she tried. The three years were full of trying and failing for her.

It was blank and senseless after 2019. It was better that way because she was sure that she was only capable of feeling the pain and it was too much for her.

The plane arrived at the airport during the afternoon hours. The inner voices, the feelings, and the guilt. They decided to set in at the same time, she was glad that she had no tears left to cry but hell, it was making her anxious.

She was waiting. Maybe for a sign to stop her from getting to Monaco or a sign that it was the right path to follow. There was no sign though. The universe had greater jobs than giving her signs.

Putting her passport on the desk of the officer, she put a smile on her lips "Good afternoon." The officer didn't need to look at the passport for her name, his voice soft "Good afternoon, Miss Reeves."

She was 26 years old, soon to be 27. Still young but felt old. She didn't let people inside her chamber for a while, she couldn't. Except for the ones she already had in her life, like George, Alex, Charles, Lando, Carlos and some more.

Then, she did. She let people in. Still to this day, she was debating  if it was the best or the worst thing. Probably,  the best to have but the worst to lose.

Well, it was a precious time but short-lived. The cards were bluff and she was stuck.There was no place for her in that gambling world, then she walked away.

"Alma?" she turned to where the sound came from and as she saw the familiar face she couldn't hide the smile.

"Alex!" she ran to her friend, arms wide open and he was waiting for her the same way. As their bodies met, they hugged each other tightly. She smelled the familiar cologne of his. He was wearing his white sweatsuit and white Nikes. Even though the sun was not there, he was wearing his sunglasses. Probably, he tried to undercover or something which he failed with his blond hair.

"I missed you, Al. A lot" he couldn't hide his surprised facial expressions and it reflected in his voice too. He knew that she was coming but the reality of the situation didn't hit him until he saw her. He distanced her just enough to see her face, still holding her "You look beautiful as always," his voice was trembling. Alex was one of the most emotional guys on and off the grid, such a sweetheart. "I missed you too Albono, you are not very bad to yourself. Like a fine wine, huh?"

"Sure thing baby girl," he winked at her playfully."Call me this again and the next morning you won't have hair." Her hands dropped next to her "You didn't need to come to get me. I would take a taxi." He was the one to drop her at airport when she decided to leave, now he was the one to take her from there.

He rolled his eyes and laughed sarcastically "You funny girl, huh? You know how much money a taxi is for 35 minutes of road. Alsoooooo.... your bestie is an F1 driver,girlie."

A smug smile formed on his face. She rolled her eyes .

Yeah, she wasn't a fan of Williams. Not that the team intentionally treated their drivers poorly but the cars sucked.

He hugged her again, so tightly that made her cough and she needed a second to catch up her breath. "I can't even mind your rude comments right now. You can't believe how we missed you, Alma. I can't believe you are real right now and still so stiff."

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