Chapter 4

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They were in the UK for the last meetings. They both tested the car and had their notes for the improvement and development. The car looked decent and it seemed like Toto kept his promise on the development of stability and the corner speed of the car. It was black now, it used to be silver when she was driving it.

The UK was her home-country, she didn't feel like it. It was depressing...Well not just because of the weather but more about the memories here. She didn't even have a house there and God please forbid if the day comes.

At least, some of her friends were there like Alex, George and Lando. Carlos and Charles were in Maranello, probably praying in a corner for a okay-ish car. Imagine a Ferrari ending a race without any engine problem? Just like a dream, a nice dream. Though, Ferrari was her rival she also hoped to see the horse flying again. She was Italian, of course she was a tifosa.

They were in Lando's place, where he shared with his close friend Max. It was a cozy, gamer-boy vibe house but she preffered this to stay in a hotel room alone.

"So how is it going with Lewis?" asked Max. She drank the water she had and forced a smile on her face "Lovely." Max laughed at her reaction, he knew both of them and in what stage was their relationship. Lando came from the kitchen to sit between them "Enemies to lovers," he winked at Max.

Alma didn't waste a second to grab his hair and pull it "Talk again and I will cut your tongue Lando, you know I never do jokes." He gulped and she let his hair go " As I thought," they were siblings basically, it was the normal for them.

At some point of the night  they started to gossip about the drivers, George, especially had a lot to gossip about. He was the rich auntie that would smile to your face while knowing your deepest and darkest secrets. Scary.

Probably it was at least the second time that Alex was listening those stories because he was completing the parts where George was skipping or correcting him.

As the evening wore on and the banter continued, Lando suggested they break out the PlayStation for a round of Call of Duty. "What do you say, Alma? Ready to show us how it's done?" he teased, nudging her playfully.

Alma grinned mischievously, her competitive spirit igniting at the prospect of virtual warfare. "Oh, you're on," she replied, her eyes sparkling with determination.

They settled into the comfortable couches, controllers in hand, ready to engage in some real competition. As the game loaded, Alma couldn't help but imagine herself as a stealthy sniper, killing Lewis with precision and finesse. A headshot would be amazing actually, no chance of him being alive.

"For Queen and country," she shouted smiling, all of them turning their heads to her. "The Queen is dead you stupid," said George with his shocked and disappointed expression. "Oh," she said trying to hold back her laugh "I always forget it."

Lando tsk tsked her, "She may rest in peace, if you let her..." She side-eyed him "What? Are you going to sing God Save the King now?" As Lando was getting ready to sing, Alex put his hand to Lando's mouth "Please Lando, no."

Finally when their attention was back to the game,Lando and Alma exchanged determined glances as they strategized their approach.For the next hour, the room was filled with laughter and shouts of triumph as they battled it out in the virtual battlefield. No, actually it was all about men in their mid-twenties crying. Baby girls.

"You're a natural, Al!" exclaimed Max, his eyes wide with admiration. She was killing everyone without getting any damage. It was pure talent and also practice which she kept to herself.

Alma smirked, her focus unwavering as she continued to dominate the game. "Just getting some practice in for the real thing," she quipped, her tone laced with determination.

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