Chapter 2

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IMESSAGE-Goldies and the Oldie
Alex, Alma,Lando,George +2 more

Sup boys?

Kevin Costner
BITCH, did you change my name


Mate I cannot unsee it from now on
Shut up idiots, I am racing ritght now. What is up bestieeee???
Lord Perceval
ALLY, you wanna join us? Cuz Lando is a sore loser.

Tell me something i don't know

@Kevin Coaster, I just started a petition for u to change ur hair mate
Kevin Costner
Seems like I am the only fashionista in this groupchat.

Yeah so guys
I need ur undivided attention for a sec

Okay I am doen with the game
Of course
Lord Perceval
Kevin Costner

No need to drag out
guess who is back in Monaco


She sent the last text, then threw her phone to her bed. Dealing with the outcome was not her strongest trait. The consecutive notification sounds were adding stress to the stress. She took the phone from the bed and saw that the guys were video-calling her.

Even though she hesitated at first, she answered the phone with a scared smile forming on her face, hearing them talking and shouting at the same time, not understanding a single word. Charles was the one to stop them "We can't talk at the same time dumbasses."

She released a sharp breath at the quietness which was turning into an uncomfortable one. "I think this conversation shouldn't be over the phone, we are meeting at my place in one hour. End of discussion" said Charles, earning nods from the other. Well, except George.

"Mate, I am in England. How can I come there in one hour?" His voice was filled with madness. Lando was quick to give him an answer "Sounds like a YOU problem to me." The sounds of the guys started to mix again and Alma yelled at them "Enough! Fucking teenagers. We'll meet at my house, 'cuz your girlie has no car right now and I will video call you, George so you won't miss out on anything. The problem is solved."

All of them looked at her like fish in an aquarium through the screen of the phone. A smug smirk placed on Alex's face and it was the quietness before the storm. "By the way, I knew it." They again started yelling and losing their shit which ended up with Alma leaving the call because she couldn't stand the noise pollution for a second anymore.

                                                                  IMESSEAGE-Goldies and the Oldie
                                                                 Alex,Alma, Lando, George +2 more

Sooo, in one hour at Charles', right?

liked by Oldie, Screwdriever+2 more

Lord Perceval
At Alma's house, Carlos...
liked by Chili


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