Chapter 10

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Alma was with Carlos, Charles and Lando, they were going to  play golf. She didn't know how she ended up with them. She wouldn't come if Charles wasn't but with Charles around, she could at least count on not being the worst player on the course.

Golf was never her forte, and she knew it. Yet, there she was, club in hand, ready to have a sunburn and performing the second worst.

They were standing in front of the building to take their equipments. It was a pretty sunny day for March and she enjoyed every minute of it. Sunny days, when she liked being alive. She knew, she was going to suck at golf but at least she looked cute with her golf outfit.

"You guys enjoy, me and Charles will be chilling on the grass. Amore, we should have brought some wine with us," she turned her face to Charles,  he was welcoming her proposal with nods. "Egh, come on guys. Have some energy, look," Carlos exclaimed, gesturing towards the radiant sun. "What a beautiful sunny day to be playing golf, vamos." He started to walk towards the golf carts as they got the equipments for Charlos and Alma, Lando following him up to his ass.

Charles and Alma shared a look, both were hopeless and already regretting their decision to come with them."Looks like we're in for quite the adventure," Alma remarked dryly, her lips quirking into a wry smile as she followed Charles towards the awaiting golf carts. "So fun, I can't wait, " replied Charles with no emotions.

"Bro, like I am very bad at golfing and I take it but can you do anything beside driving? I cannot recall a memory where you suprised me with you talent in any other sports. No offence, of course." She woke up and chose violence. Though, she really didn't try to offend him but was asking genuinely.

Charles made an offended face, putting his hand on his chest, "You can't say mean things and add no offence Al. Also, I am very good at... skiing. I do that every pre-season." She snorted, "Sure. We skied several times and I saw you Charlie. That's what I am going to say to not to be mean,"

Charles rolled his eyes at Alma's remark, "I may not be the most athletically gifted individual, but at least, I am a nice person. Thank you," and just liked that he  walked away from Alma. She laughed and sprinted next to him, squeezing his cheeck "You are just a baby, piccino."

Charles and Alma were like twins. The haunted ones. His father used to cheer for her too during the karting days. Charles inherited his smile from his father, the smiles he sent through his eyes. She hoped he was resting in peace, he was a good person but more importantly a good father to his kids. She remembered Jules, coming to his races and coaching Charles. She was deeply and madly in love with him. He was one of the kindest and nicest people, she met and he left them too soon. He left Charles too soon. What Charles was doing today, was continuation Jules' legacy. Charles had a mission, a mission to do what Jules should had done.

Charles was indeed speaking the facts when he said he was a nice person.  Even though, he had countless  reasons to be angry to life because it was unfair, he still treated people as good as possible. She was always going to be there for him, not because he was there for her, because he deserved someone to rely on. And, she would gladly catch him if he ever falls, or the worst case scenerio, they both fall.

"Tu guidi, " said Charles since he didn't want to drive the cart.  "Passenger princess?" shaking her head as she slid into the driver's seat of the golf cart. She was following Carlos to the location. "I think this might be quicker than Williams," she said which made Charles smile, "Definetly more reliable than Ferrari," he added. They shared a look, she knew he was going to spend his whole career  there, if possible and she knew he had his reasons. "Maybe, next year will be your year," he shaked his head "You are delulu, amor."


As they approached the first tee, she exchanged a wary glance with Charles. Lando and Carlos were already getting ready, taking their stuffs from their cart. They also started to unload their equipments from their cart.

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