Chapter 13

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She put her airpods to listen White Ferrari before the plane departed from Saudi Arabia to London. One thing about Alma, she loved listening heart-wreching songs, it made her feel things. Not that she lacked any sort of pain in her life, no. But somehow those emotions became her comfort zone.

She thought the greatest loss would be the championship but life proved her wrong. Very wrong. A scar that would bleed until the very last day. A guilt that she would feel in each veins of her body.
She closed her eyes, again, biting the inside of her cheek until tasting the blood.

She watched it. Again and again. People screaming, blood. She wasn't there.

"You should stop this habbit," her thoughts was interrupted as Lewis took off one of her airpods, sitting across her. Alma's eyes snapped open, her heart pounding at the unexpected intrusion. She glanced at Lewis, irritation flashing in her gaze. "Excuse me?" she retorted sharply, her tone laced with annoyance. Her breathing still unstable, blinking her eyes faster than the usual.

Lewis held her gaze evenly. "Biting your cheek," he clarified, gesturing to where she had been chewing on the inside of her mouth. "It's not good for you." She snorted, it was okay to push her off-track while she was driving over 250 km/h but her biting her cheek was not good? Twisted bitch.

"What do you want Lewis?" Clearly, he had something to say. Lewis leaned back slightly, his gaze fixed on Alma. "Nothing, really," he replied casually. "One week to your birthday, twenty-seven. You are getting old."

"Said the 38 years old man."

Lewis merely raised an eyebrow in response, his expression unreadable. "Age is just a number," he said with a faint smirk. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. This sentence is overused by celebrities with huge age gaps."

"Ours is not that huge though," he muttered. She rolled her eyes,"My lord. This is the second time, perché?" She was talking about him bringing their past to the table, first he was talking about the teasing and now, the age gap. Lewis met with her gaze "I love how your face changes colour," he smirked. "You really don't get mature," she countered.

Lewis chuckled, his smirk widening, "What are you going to do for your birthday?" he asked. His gaze travelling on her face. He liked how one of her eyes was greener than the other, also her moles. They looked like someone sprinkled them over her body. He could dislike her, maybe, but he wasn't blind. His gaze lingered on her, she was beautiful. Too beautiful, for his own sake.

"You are not invited,"

It made Lewis laugh, "You are cute but I didn't ask if I am invited or not, sweetheart." She straightened her posture, "I didn't plan anything," said Alma. She was never big on her birthdays. Lewis nodded, leaning back in his seat, "Probably, boys will make a suprise party for you, though."

They used to do that, and it was a great possbility that they were going to fo it again. When they arranged it for the first time, Charles added her to the groupchat unintentionally. She was reading their messages and no one was aware of it. Stupid bitches, she loved them.

Rest of the flight was same. Usually, they were in their own worlds, listening music or Alma watched TikTok videos. They had a shooting in London, for Dior and some interviews the next day. A tight schedule, the one their PR management specifically arranged for them.

IMESSAGE-Love, don't war


Wtf is this group

Rather than harassing you individually,
I thought this would be more efficent😃

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