Chapter 14

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The time was coming to four in the morning. "I don't know why I did that," Alma signed, the regret burning her veins. "You still love him Alma, you can't ignore that nor you can't make believe the otherwise," Charles' voice was sleepy. Probably because of the fact that she woke him up. 

"I don't love him, it is just-" he didn't let her to finish her sentence, "E CHE CAZZO,  don't lie to me," his voice suddenly awake and filled with frustration. "Your pride is going to be the death of you, Alma."

Alma rubbed her temples, trying to push away all of her feelings, "I just don't understand why I keep letting him get to me," she admitted, feeling a pang of frustration. This time she couldn't even put the blame on him because it was her. All of it. She kissed him, she let him in.

"Please, for your own sake Al. Let you feel, all of the feelings. You can't live with revenge and anger," Charles implored, his voice filled with concern.

She couldn't help but snort, "I don't know Charles, we will see  I guess." In every inconvience she would use the same sentence, and Charles knew it. But, he didn't dig in any more. 

"Okay, amore. But I will be there whenever you want. Just know that, okay?" His voice was soft as his heart.

"Si, grazie. And, just so you know, even if you want the otherwise, I don't care. I will be always here for you too," she heard one of his laughs which warmed her heart. Even after waking him up, in the middle of his sleep, he didn't mind.

They hung up the phone after a while.

She tossed her phone onto the bed, her mind getting blurry with the overwhelming feelings. She wasn't use to feel that much, for a while now. In four hours, they had the shooting for Dior and she looked like absolute zombie. She needed to be alone, seeing him wouldn't help her to clear her mind. Though, they were stucked together for two days.

Alma sank onto the edge of the bed, running her hands through her hair in frustration. She needed to gather herself. She wore her work-out clothes, even running for a hour would help her clear her mind. She knew where to go, the only place that she could be vulnerable.

Leaving her room, she made her way out of the hotel and into the streets of London. The city was quiet in the early hours of the morning, other than some early risers or hang-over people.

Alma started to run, her footsteps echoing against the pavement as she moved through the streets. She took in the sights and sounds of the city around her.

Finally, as the first light of dawn began to streak across the sky, Alma slowed to a stop. She stood in front of the graveyard, hands on her knees as she caught her breath. Sweat dripped down her forehead, mixing with the cool morning air.

Alma's heart pounded in her chest as she saw the rising sun casting warm glow over one the headstones.  She contemplated her decision before entering the yard. 

Alma walked through the wrought iron gates of the graveyard, the metal creaking softly as she pushed them open. She focused her eyes on the headstone, which the sun shined on.  It looked like, it didn't have any visitors, the flowers on the grave  were the ones she put, like a year ago.

Alma knelt down in front of the headstone, her fingers tracing the letters, "Still, the sun shines for you Oli," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the quiet of the graveyard. It was her brother's grave. Oliver Mattio Reeves.

If you live for people's acceptance, you are gonna die from their rejection 

He was a F2 driver, that was how she met with Lando and Max Fewtrell, because they were the same age and always competed against each other, throughout their whole career. In 2019, Lando moved to F1, but Oliver was still in F2. It mentally destroyed him, plus their father wasn't making this any easier. He fucked Oli over and she couldn't protect him because on the other side, all she was thinking was the championship.

They were in Imola, Italy.  

He wasn't good, and he lost it after losing Anthonie in Spa. She wasn't aware how dark his world was.

His race was before hers, and he asked her for to be there but she wasn't because of the extra simulator-run she had, because she wanted. Their father was also there, and she didn't protect her brother from him. Because she was no different than Lewis, because she was blinded by her pride to win against him.

Then, Oli crashed.

And, she didn't know it until her race ended because her father kept it as a secret to not affect her performance. He made sure she didn't know it, even though it was nearly impossible to do.

He kept his dying son as a secret. Just for her to race.

Toto told her, just after her celebration when she ran towards her team to celebrate her win. When she looked back, it was obvious something was wrong. The weight of her mistakes bore down on her, suffocating her with remorse. She wanted to turn back time, to undo the choices she had made.

"I'm sorry, Oli," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you but I should have been," her voice trembling. "I should have protected you from him, from everything. But I was selfish, and now you're gone."

And nothing did matter now.

She watched the crash moment until she could remember each and every seconds of it. Until, all she thought was him.

'Young driver's big mistake costed his life.'

She closed her eyes, the memories of her brother flooding her mind. She remembered his laughter, his smile, his passion for racing. And she remembered the pain in his eyes, the darkness that consumed him in his final moments.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the graveyard, Alma felt a sense of numbness wash over her. She had been running away from her feelings for too long, burying them beneath a facade of strength and determination. But now, in the quiet solitude of the graveyard, she couldn't hide from the truth any longer.

The darkness ran in the family. In the end, you are becoming what you've always hated.

With a heavy heart, Alma rose to her feet, her gaze lingering on her brother's headstone for a moment longer. "Don't worry Oli, I am fighting for you."

With a final glance at the headstone, Alma turned and walked away from the graveyard. She could be vulnerable when she was next to him, but he was, also the one to empower her. 

She was on a mission. 

For him.

Until the very last breath.


You guys needed to meet with Oli.

A very short but also dark chapter.

If you want to talk about anything (literally), just know that I will be here.

Love you all

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