Chapter 6

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The testings went pretty good, the car showed great improvements than it did last year. 2022 was a disaster for Mercedes, the car was bad and after 2021 Lewis was thinking about retirement. He had hard times to face with, and also had some time to rethink his actions throughout his career. He wasn't used to lose, no. One time he did lose, in 2016 and he was blinded by the anger. Costed him more than a championship, costed him a friend. Nico.

And the worst thing was when he decided to retire, Lewis knew it was his fault. He mentally fucked Nico, over and over again. They were close, he supported Lewis throughout his career because he struggled more than the others. Not because of his talent, Lewis was born to drive, but because this sport was dominated by white  men and a black kid wasn't a part of their plan.

The worst thing was, he didn't feel guilty after 2016. He was relieved that Nico retired, one more rival gone, he thought. Well, then he won again, many times. He was dominating the sport and he knew that he was the starboy. He was the face of the sport and he was bigger than the sport itself.

Then, Alma came in 2018. She was driving for Williams as a rookie the previous year and she was great. She was supported by the Mercedes since her F4 career. She was known with her father at first but her talent overshadowed her father, fortunately. In 2018, Lewis won his fifth title.

Well, things were fine with Alma. More than fine actually then he fucked it up again when she was became a rival to her in 2019. Nobody saw it coming, but they were so close throughout the season and Alma was dominating. Then they lost what they had between them, crashing in several occasion, fighting and well. He won and she retired.

The only reason for her retirement wasn't him, family issues but because he was again, blinded by his so-called ambition, he wasn't there for her. He should have been, she would have been for him. He was so close to forget how much of an asshole he was, until she came back. Stronger than ever and probably the weakest he had been. He wasn't healed from the 2021 season and Redbull screwed them even more in 2022.

When he heard his name, his thoughts got distracted.

"Oi Lewis," said the interviewer.

"Oi," he smiled when he heard the British accent.

"How is the car this year? Your results seem promising."

"Better than what I expected if I am being honest. Definetly looks reliable for long-runs too and the understeering problem that last year's car had, is solved so I am quiet happy."

"A new team-mate too this year. What is the dynamic between you? You have a bit complex and fired relationship. How it is affecting the work environment?"

"She is not a new teammate actually, we worked together for two years in previous years. We are both professionals so we both are handleing the situation good, I think. Not to talk behalf of her, but I think she is pleased with the car and Toto is providing us a pretty equal environment." He was media-educated and he always chose his words very wisely.

"She is very important for our sport and I am glad she is back because she is the face of this sport, especially for women.  She had to work hard two-three times than them to prove herself so she is better than most of us. I had to do that too because I was different from them and that is how I became who I am today. We need more diversity and inclusion in Formula 1, and Alma's presence is a step in the right direction." This wasn't for the media, it was the truth.

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