Chapter 19

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His face between her legs...


She turned her head towards the voice, quite confused. 

"I knocked on your door three times."

"National Anthem, you are getting late," stated Ryan, his eyes searching for a clue on her face.

She nodded, "Oh, uh. Sorry," she stood up from couch she was sitting in her private room and headed to the rest of the grid.

Her mind was blurry, to say the least. Last night's scenes were playing in her mind rent free. Seeing him on his knees, giving her all she wanted, savouring her... He was still the weakest spot of hers, and even to deny it was becoming impossible.

When she woke up, she thought it was a dream for a while. Well, until she saw the marks he left on her body. Bite marks, to be specific. As if, he made sure to leave some behind to imprint him on her body, so she could neither deny it nor forget it.

On her way to the grid, some reporters and fans tried to stop her but she wasn't going to risk a fine just because she was late. She excused herself and said sorry each time, passing next to them. Finally, she stood between Max and Daniel, the furthest spot from Lewis. She saw him pre-race to discuss the strategies but she ghosted his existence as much as she could.

"Where were you?" Daniel leaned towards her, seeing her cheeks blushed because of the rushed run. "I wasn't aware that it was the time," she whispered, lifting her head so she can see his face. "How much is the fine for being late?" asked Max, considering if he could have that in the future. "I have no idea mate," answered Daniel. "Ask Ocon," said Alma just before the anthem started playing.

After the national anthem Lando ran towards her, "Did you do the tricky-tricky?" he blinked with a smile on his face, which caught her off-guard, "What? With who?" such a rookie answer. "What do you mean by who? With Neymar, muppet. His comments were juicy," he teased her.

She took a deep breath, for a second she thought he was talking about Lewis. "No, no. Of course not bro," she replied shaking her head with refusal. Max leaned to Daniel, "You lost mate. You owe me 50," he was smirking. Daniel shook his head with disappointment, "Wait, did you bet on me?" she frowned.

They gave her the guilty puppy eyes which answered her question, " What the actual fuck?," she shook her head and sighed. Without needing more to elaborate, her feet already started to walk towards the garage. The sleeves of her suit were tied, holding her waist. The weather was so hot and the suits weren't making it any easier.

"Al," she heard Lewis' voice which made her walk even faster but just after she entered the garage he caught her forearm, "You like to be chased or what?" he asked, his breathing unsteady, probably because of the sudden sprint he had to do.

"No, I liked to be focused right now," she answered. She couldn't make herself to look at his eyes but anywhere possible. His eyes were going to be the death of her, for sure.

He smirked, "So I distract you? Or the things I make you feel are dist-" before he could finish his sentence, she pressed her hand to his lips, "Shut up," she said panicked, whispering the words. She could feel his lips turning into a smile, he gently pulled her hand from his lips and kissed it.

She watched his movements, dazed and confused. "Be humble, Hamilton," her voice was cold but her eyes betrayed her. "Mhm, daring. I'll let you go for now. Good luck darling," he smiled with his eyes, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. The sensation he left behind, eating her mind up.

She needed to get a grip as soon as possible, because what the fuck was she doing?


They did their formation lap, then lined up. Lewis was next to her and Max was just behind her. 2021 flashback, the only thing she wished was to not to be a victim to those guys ego war. Though, Max and Lewis were in civil terms, they didn't like each other that much. Especially from Lewis' side, he disliked Max's driving style and his father even more. Which was understandable cause she felt the same way.

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