Chapter 15

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"Alma, tilt your head slightly to the left. Lewis, lean in closer, perfect," the photographer called out, capturing their every move. Alma tried to focus on the task at hand, but being so closed to him was mental. She stole glances at Lewis between shots, he looked very focused and unbothered by her presence. Maybe, she thought, he didn't even feel anything after the kiss. Maybe, she was the one who had let it affect her too deeply.

With a deep breath, Alma leaned in closer to Lewis, their bodies almost touching as the photographer snapped away. The shutter clicked, freezing the moment in time. She really wondered if Checo and Max were going to lean each other that much too.

She wore tons of make-up to hide her deprived sleep. Black-silver eyeshadow highlighted her eyes, giving them a smoky, intense look. Her light green eyes stood out against the dark shades, somehow still managing to shine.

As the shoot came to an end, she glanced at Lewis as they walked off set, but he avoided her gaze, his attention focused elsewhere.  Okay, if he didn't care, she couldn't care less.

She loved being a delusional woman.

She sat on the set chair, her make-up artist fussing around her to touch up her appearance. She still had her solo photoshoot and interview and they were there for four hours by then.  She took her phone from the table.

IMESSAGE- Goldies and the Oldie
Alex, Lando, George +3 more

@Oldie how is the shooting goin? Any dead bodies?

No, not yet.

Princess George
Let's keep it that way
Kevin Costner
Princess George
Wait, who changed my name
Kevin Costner
Carlos,have you ever heard of girl code or what?
      liked by Lanod and Oldie
Princess George
By the way, where is Charles?
@Lord Perceval?

Probably sleeping
He slept at five am or smth


I had a very  eventful night yesterday

Princess George
Gate-keeping is not nice Alma
I am always the last one to know something...
Kevin Costner
Prioties Lando, prioties...😎

She signed looking at her screen, it wasn't neither the best timing nor place to talk about how she kissed Lewis.

IMESSAGE- Goldies and the Oldie
Alex, Lando, George +3 more

I can't tell it now
but Charles can, after he wakes up

She set her phone aside, she owed Charles some vanilla ice cream, since she put all of the burden on him. Rising from the chair, she went to the shooting area, people adjusting her hair or dress. Her eyes traced the area, Lewis was nowhere to be found. Was that motherfucker avoiding her? They didn't exchange even a word since they left the hotel.

"Alma, turn slightly to your right. Chin up, eyes focused straight ahead," the cameraman instructed, his voice projecting over the sounds of the studio.


They were on their way back to the hotel. It wouldn't be a overstatement to mention they were exhausted. Alma wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep that night. All night, each seconds of Lewis' night spent trying to remember how she felt against his skin. He always knew, she was her weak spot. Though, she was more than a weak spot.

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