Chapter 16

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27 March 2023 morning,

"Happy birthday Alma, happy birthday Alma. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you"

As she opened her eyes,and met with the sight of Carlos, Lando, George, Alex and Charles standing around her bed, in a circle.

Alma's expression softened, rubbing her eyes to wake her mind up, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.  Pushing back her blanket, she sat on her bed.

"Thank you so much guys,"  she said, her voice still a bit husky from sleep but genuine. All of them looked at her as if she was a puppy, their eyes shining. "Cuddling time!" shouted Lando, all of them jumping onto the bed to hug her.

"Oh my-" she couldn't finish her sentence, as their arms were wrapping her. "When did you grow?" said Alex, his head leaned to hers. "Oh don't be ridiculous Alex, she is still a child," said George, squeezing Alma's cheek.

"CARLOS, STOP PUSHING ME!" shouted Charles with a voice crack, since Carlos wasn't giving him enough space to hug her. 



"I swear to God Lando, if you make me fall, I'll beat your ass." Lando insisted to close her eyes, halfway through the kitchen.

"Stop complaning for fuck sake. Okay, now you have to sit." Charles and Alex helped her to sit, Carlos counted down from three for her to open her eyes.

"SUPRISE!" they shouted all together. Opening her eyes, she saw the birthday decorations all over her house.

Pancakes and loads of fruits were on the table. Her heart melted, literally. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. "You guys..." she began, her voice catching with emotion.

They all hugged her, this time not in a rush but gentle. Despite her usual cold self, she couldn't help but be touched by their thoughtfulness and effort to make her birthday special, make her feel special. They were her family, what left from her family.

Well, this way was healthier for her.

There was no happy house, there wasn't going to be any. She was used to violence, as if it was something to get used to. Something inside her was broken and it could never be fixed. But, then, she found her real family. George, Alex, Charles, Carlos and little Lando. They healed her in a way she couldn't even imagine and she loved them in a way, she couldn't even dare to think.

"Happy birthday Al, I am glad that we have you," said Alex, gently caressing her hair. Charles, resting his head in the crook of her neck, "Grazie per essere la sorella che non ho mai avuto." (Thank you for being the sister, I have never had)

"I love you Alma, and I know you love me the most. Happy birthday," Lando's words made her chuckle and roll her eyes.

"Al, thank you for sharing your heart with us, even though it wasn't easy for you. We will protect it from anyone, and never let them to break it," Carlos said, caressing her back.

It made Alma tear a bit.

"I know, it is hard for you to hear all of these words but you built this home, Al. You made us whole, and I am beyond happy that we shared our past and will share our future. Happy birtday," squezzing her shoulder.

George's words were the last drop.

"Mate, you made her cry!" Lando exclaimed, a hint of concern in his voice. George shrugged innocently, "What can I do if I am the most poetic one? No one cares about art, nowadays," which made Alma laugh even when she was crying.

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